Next NSW Race

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(effective 14th October 2022)

Racing NSW has conducted a review of its COVID-19 policies having regard to the changes to the NSW Health requirements in respect to self-isolation of positive COVID-19 cases that will be implemented effective 14 October 2022.

The following changes have been implemented:


From 14 October 2022, pursuant to the NSW Health Orders, it will no longer be mandatory to self-isolate at home if you test positive to COVID-19.

Further, while it is not mandatory to self-isolate at home, NSW Health strongly recommends people who are sick or have tested positive to COVID-19 stay home until their symptoms have gone.

Consistent with the NSW Health position, if a participant has tested positive to COVID-19 or is displaying symptoms, that person SHOULD stay at home until their symptom/s have gone.

All other policies implemented by Racing NSW have now been rescinded including the requirement for jockeys and officials to undertake a Rapid Antigen Test prior to attending a race meeting.

COVID-19 UPDATE (Friday, 22nd April 2022)


Updated Friday, 22nd April 2022

Racing NSW COVID-19 Policy Update

Racing NSW has conducted a review of its COVID-19 policies having regard to the current situation in NSW.

Click on the following link to read the full document: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map (22nd April 22)

COVID-19 UPDATE (Wednesday, 6th March 2022)


Updated Wednesday, 6th March 2022

Racing NSW COVID-19 Policy Update

Racing NSW has reviewed its COVID-19 Policy and has made amendments to the isolation period for positive COVID cases or those who are considered a close contact. Changes include:

• No distinction for the period of isolation for vaccinated or unvaccinated persons,
• New method for calculating isolation period in accordance with NSW Government requirement.

Click on the following link to read the full document: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map (6th March 22)

COVID-19 UPDATE (Tuesday, 15th February 2022)


Covid-19 Update

Participants are advised of the following link containing an updated Racing NSW Covid-19 policy.

Changes to the policy include:

  • Removal of jockey/official zones on raceday, allowing trainers, owners and jockeys to interact (subject to race club restrictions).
  • No restrictions on attending stables, including owners being permitted to attend stables subject to trainers approval.
  • Close contacts residing with a positive Covid-19 case now only are required to isolate for 7 days on the basis they provide a negative RAT result on day 8 and 9 before attending a racecourse or licensed premises.

Click on the following link to read the full document: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map (15th Feb 22)

COVID-19 UPDATE (Thursday, 6th January 2022)


Racing NSW has conducted a review of its COVID-19 policies having regard to the current situation in NSW and the changes made by the NSW Government in respect to positive COVID-19 cases and the definition of a close contact. The following changes have been made:

* If a person tests positive on a Rapid Antigen test there is no requirement to obtain a PCR to confirm. A negative Rapid Antigen test on day 6 is still required for anyone who tests positive.

* Only Essential Personnel are permitted to attend Licensed Premises (stables) until further notice. Owners are not permitted to attend stables until further notice.

Click on the following link to read the full document: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map (6th Jan 22)

COVID-19 UPDATE (Friday, 31st December 2021)


Racing NSW has conducted a review of its COVID-19 policies having regard to the current situation in NSW and the changes made by the NSW Government in respect to positive COVID-19 cases and the definition of a close contact. The following changes have been made.

Click on the following link to read the full document: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map (31st Dec 21)

COVID-19 UPDATE (Wednesday, 29th December 2021)


Racing NSW has conducted a review of its COVID-19 policies having regard to the current situation in NSW and the implementation of increased restrictions by the NSW Government.

Click on the following link to read the full document: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map (29th Dec 21)

COVID-19 UPDATE (Friday, 24th December 2021)


Racing NSW has conducted a review of its COVID-19 policies having regard to the current situation in NSW and the implementation of increased restrictions by the NSW Government.

Click on the following link to read the full document: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map (24th Dec 21)

COVID-19 UPDATE (Thursday, 16th December 2021)


Racing NSW has conducted a review of its COVID-19 policies having regard to the current situation in NSW and easing of restrictions by the NSW Government. The following changes have been made.

Click on the following link to read the full document: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map (16th Dec 21)

COVID-19 UPDATE (Wednesday, 24th November 2021)


Racing NSW has conducted a review of its COVID-19 policies having regard to the current situation in NSW and has made the following amendments to its COVID-19 policy:

Click on the following link to read the full document: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map (24th Nov 21)

COVID-19 UPDATE (Thursday, 4th November 2021)

Important Information: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map Updated

Following recent announcements from the NSW Government of further freedoms due to a continuing increase in full vaccination rates, Racing NSW will implement the following changes to its COVID-19 policies listed in the link below.

Click on the following link to read the full document: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map Updated

COVID-19 UPDATE (Wednesday, 20th October 2021)

Important Information: NSW Participants - Travel from Victoria

Essential Personnel (jockeys, trainers, stablehands, officials and service providers) who reside in or have been to Victoria, must undertake the following policies prior to attending a NSW racecourse or licensed premises in addition to any requirements under the NSW Government Public Health Orders listed in the link below.

Click on the following link to read the full document: NSW Participants - Travel from Victoria

COVID-19 UPDATE (Tuesday, 19th October 2021)

Important Information: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map

Following recent announcements from the NSW Government that NSW has reached an 80% fully vaccinated adult population, further freedoms have been announced, including the easing of restrictions for wearing masks and regional travel being opened on 1 November 2021.

Click on the following link to read the full document: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map

COVID-19 UPDATE (Thursday, 7th October 2021)

The NSW Government has announced that following the state reaching 70% fully vaccination rates, some freedoms will be provided to those who are fully vaccinated. The implementation of these freedoms presents challenges for the thoroughbred racing industry as it is predicted to result in increased COVID-19 case numbers across the State.

This policy has been produced to ensure that all industry participants understand the risks associated with these increased freedoms and the requirement for Essential Personnel to continue to undertake and be vigilant about the COVID-19 safe protocols and measures that are currently in place.

The importance of doing so cannot be overstated as industry and the State navigate their way through the relaxation of restrictions in the community and the increased resulting COVID-19 case numbers

Click on the following link to read the full document: NSW Participants - Racing NSW Road Map



Essential Personnel (jockeys, trainers, stablehands, Officials and Service Providers) who reside in or have been to Victoria must undertake the following policies prior to attending a NSW racecourse or licensed premises (in addition to any requirements under the NSW Government Public Health Orders).

  • Victorian Places of High Concern or Casual Contact – Any person that has been in a place of high concern or casual contact at the link below, must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until they make contact with Racing NSW Stewards and provide details of such contact. Racing NSW Stewards will provide details of requirements before attending a NSW racecourse or licensed premises.

  • State of Victoria (fully vaccinated) – Any fully vaccinated person that has been in the State of Victoria (other than the NSW/Victorian bubble) and has not been to a place of high concern or casual contact, must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they:
    • Provide Racing NSW Stewards with evidence to their satisfaction of the day they arrived in NSW and evidence of travel permit.
    • Provide Racing NSW Stewards with evidence to their satisfaction of vaccination status, showing they have been fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine.
    • Self-isolate for 7 days and provide Racing NSW Stewards with the negative results of PCR COVID-19 tests taken on day 4 & 6 of the isolation period.
  • State of Victoria (not fully vaccinated) - Any person that has been in the State of Victoria (other than the NSW/Victorian bubble) and has not been to a place of high concern or casual contact, must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they:
    • Provide Racing NSW Stewards with evidence to their satisfaction of the day they arrived in NSW and evidence of travel permit.
    • Self-isolate for 14 days and provide Racing NSW Stewards with the negative results of PCR COVID-19 tests taken on day 4, 10 & 14 of the isolation period.

 Horse Travel from Victoria

Horses being transported from Victoria to NSW (other than from within the NSW/Victoria Bubble) to a licensed premises or racecourse must be done so in accordance with the following policy.

  • Transported drivers that have been in Victoria must meet the following conditions to be eligible to transport a horse to NSW licensed premises.
    • must be fully vaccinated.
    • have received a negative PCR test within the last 3 days.
  • Transport drivers are not to enter stables or licensed premises and horses must be led into the stables or licensed premises by NSW based licensed person.




Due to the higher frequency of COVID-19 cases in the Randwick area and several cases that have affected jockeys in the Greater Sydney Area, all jockeys and apprentices who reside in the Greater Sydney Area but ride in races outside the Greater Sydney Area, are required to exercise a greater degree of vigilance in respect to their day to day movements to ensure they minimise the risk of contracting COVID-19.

To mitigate against the potential spread of COVID-19 amongst the jockey community outside the Greater Sydney Area, the following protocols now apply to jockeys who reside in the Greater Sydney Area but ride in races outside the Greater Sydney Area and must be strictly adhered to.

  1. As previously directed no jockey who rides in races is permitted to attend or ride trackwork at Rosehill or Warwick Farm racecourses.
  2. Jockeys and apprentice jockeys who ride trackwork at Randwick or provincial racecourses must not enter stables or enclosed areas on the racecourse when riding trackwork and ensure they exercise social distancing at all times. Apprentices are not to undertake stable work if riding in races, unless expressly approved by Racing NSW.
  3. Whilst currently jockeys and apprentices in this category must obtain a negative PCR Covid-19 test on a weekly basis, an increase in the frequency of testing now applies with a PCR COVID-19 test to be taken every Monday and Thursday and the results sent to
  4. N95 face masks are to be worn at all times when away from their residence. Whilst mounted on a horse, jockeys & apprentices must keep their N95 face mask properly fitted over their nose and mouth and
    1. on race day are not to lower their face mask until they are entering the barriers.
    2. when riding trackwork only lower their mask just prior to entering the track they intend to work on.
  5. All jockeys & apprentices are encouraged to have their COVID-19 vaccinations as soon as possible in accordance with health advice.




Due to the higher frequency of COVID-19 cases in the Randwick area and several cases that have affected jockeys in the Greater Sydney Area, all jockeys and apprentices are required to exercise a greater degree of vigilance in respect to their day to day movements to ensure they minimise the risk of contracting COVID-19.

To mitigate against the potential spread of COVID-19 amongst the jockey community, the following protocols now apply and must be strictly adhered to notwithstanding the easing of some of the restrictions imposed under NSW Government Public Health Orders.

  1. Jockeys & apprentices not permitted to ride trackwork until further notice.
  2. Jockeys & apprentices to undertake PCR testing on Monday and Friday of each week and send results to It is recommended that these tests are obtained with Histopath ( which has to date provided the quickest test results.
  3. Jockeys & apprentices will be subjected to rapid antigen COVID-19 testing at every race meeting they ride at and at other times as determined by Racing NSW. This will require jockeys & apprentices to arrive at all race meetings 20 minutes earlier than previously to enable sufficient time for testing.
  4. Jockeys & apprentices are not permitted to:
    • Use public transport, taxis or ride share vehicles.
    • Attend crowded places such as shopping centres, cafes or restaurants (when opened) and other indoor public spaces.
    • Attend Warwick Farm or Rosehill racecourse for trackwork or trials, unless approved by Racing NSW.
    • Attend an LGA of concern.
    • Meet, be in the company of or exercise with any person other than a person from their immediate family or persons they reside with. This includes not being permitted to visit or having visitors in their own residence.
  5. All appointments with medical professionals (including doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors etc) must be with the approval of Racing NSW.
  6. Personal training sessions only to be conducted in a one on one session and such session must be outdoors. The personal trainer must have PCR Covid tests taken twice a week and provide the results to Racing NSW if requested.
  7. When travelling to race meetings, jockeys must travel from home directly to each race meeting. This includes not being permitted to stop to purchase fuel or other goods. Arrangements should be made the day before to ensure sufficient fuel is in their vehicle before travelling to each meeting. Jockeys must travel alone when travelling to a race meeting.
  8. N95 face masks are to be worn at all times when away from their residence. Whilst mounted on a horse, jockeys & apprentices must keep their N95 face mask properly fitted over their nose and mouth and on race day are not to lower their face mask until they are entering the barriers.
  9. All jockeys & apprentices are encouraged to have their COVID-19 vaccinations as soon as possible in accordance with health advice.




Racing NSW has taken expert advice in response to the Queensland Government reinstating the border bubble between Queensland and New South Wales on 13 September 2021.

Essential Personnel (jockeys, trainers, stablehands, Officials and Service Providers) who reside in or have been to Queensland are permitted to attend racecourses or licensed premises in New South Wales, provided that they have not been to any of the Queensland COVID-19 Exposure Sites listed below or are a close contact of anyone who has been to an exposure site.

Click Here - Queensland Exposure Sites

Any person who has attended a Queensland COVID-19 Exposure Sites, or is a secondary contact of anyone who has, must follow the applicable Queensland Government orders. Further, those persons must provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID test prior to attending a racecourse or licensed premises in New South Wales.

Please be reminded any travel between New South Wales and Queensland must be completed in accordance with any applicable Government orders.




Vaccination Requirement Extended – Restricted LGA’s of Concern

After initially advising that authorised workers who live in restricted LGA’s of concern were required to be vaccinated by 30 August 2021 and 6 September 2021, the deadline requiring vaccination has now been extended until Sunday 19 September 2021. However, all authorised workers leaving a restricted LGA of concern* must have booked their vaccination appointment by Wednesday 8 September 2021. Proof of vaccination or the booking must be sent to before attending work.

For example – a stablehand or trainer that lives in the Cumberland LGA and works at stables at Rosehill Gardens (Parramatta LGA) must have had their first dose of vaccine by 8 September or have a booking to be vaccinated prior to 19 September 2021 to continue to be permitted to leave their LGA of residence (Cumberland) to work at Rosehill Gardens.

Authorised workers that only go to work within the restricted LGA of concern where they reside are not required to obtain a vaccine, but Racing NSW encourages all Essential Personnel to get vaccinated.

For Example - a stablehand or trainer that lives in the Liverpool LGA and works at stables at Warwick Farm (Liverpool LGA) does not require the first dose of vaccine by 30 August 2021 to continue to be able to be work at Warwick Farm. However, Racing NSW encourages all Essential Personnel to get vaccinated.

* All authorised workers from the Canterbury LGA must be vaccinated with at least the first dose of vaccine before attending Rosehill or Warwick Farm racecourse.




Requirement to Adhere to NSW Health Orders and Racing NSW COVID-19 Policies and Protocols

Racing NSW thanks the vast majority of NSW racing participants that have complied with the NSW Health Orders and Racing NSW COVID-19 policies and protocols that have been implemented to protect the health and safety of NSW thoroughbred racing industry participants and the livelihood of all involved. Racing NSW also acknowledges that many have made great sacrifice to ensure these polices and protocols have been complied with.

The unfortunate recent occurrences in Victoria and the ACT involving a small number of licensed participants outlines how the health, safety and livelihoods of all thoroughbred industry participants can be jeopardised by the actions of a select few.

Whilst the industry has been able to continue to operate during the pandemic, Racing NSW takes this opportunity to ask participants to remain steadfast with their compliance to the Racing NSW policies and protocols, and of course all NSW health orders, which are summarised at the link below.

Click Here - Stay At Home Orders

Participants are encouraged to continue to monitor the Racing NSW website for COVID-19 updates at the link below to ensure compliance to all COVID-19 requirements and contact Racing NSW Stewards if they have any questions.

Click Here - Racing NSW Covid-19 Policies

Restricted LGA’s of Concern

On 20 August 2021 additional rules were announced in respect to the following restricted LGA’s of concern.

Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown, Liverpool, Cumberland, Blacktown, Parramatta, Campbelltown, George’s River, Bayside, Burwood and Strathfield and Penrith suburbs of Caddens, Claremont Meadows, Colyton, Erskine Park, Kemps Creek, Kingswood, Mount Vernon, St Mary’s, North St Mary’s, Orchard Hills, Oxley Park and St Clair

Currently only authorised workers, as defined by NSW Health, who live in these LGA’s are permitted to leave or work within these LGA’s for authorised work. NSW Health has advised that Essential Personnel attending to horses for animal welfare needs (including feeding and exercise) are considered to be authorised workers and may continue to work, including leaving their LGA for the purpose of doing so. Authorised work does not include attending race meetings.

Racing NSW still requires all authorised workers who reside in a restricted LGA of concern to have a PCR COVID-19 test every 3 days, when attending a racecourse outside of the LGA of concern they reside in. These results are to be provided to Racing NSW Stewards. Consistent with the NSW Government policy on COVID-19 surveillance testing, any person that obtains a COVID-19 surveillance test and does not have any COVID-19 symptoms does not need to self-isolate until receiving their negative test result.

Essential Personnel are advised to ensure they carry their Racing NSW Licence Identity Card to display to the NSW Police should they be questioned by police when travelling to work. If asked, Essential Personnel should provide this identification to Police and advise they are performing animal welfare work as an authorised worker.

Randwick Racecourse

As notified on 15 August 2021, and to protect the ongoing operation of the NSW racing industry at Randwick racecourse, Racing NSW has determined that;

  • Essential Personnel whose place of residence is in the LGA’s or suburbs listed above (excluding Bayside) are not permitted to attend Randwick racecourse or Randwick licensed premises until further notice.
  • Subject to vaccination requirements and obtaining a workers permit as detailed below, Essential Personnel whose place of residence is in the LGA of Bayside may attend Randwick racecourse and stables on animal welfare grounds, on the condition they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test before attending and further negative tests every 3 days thereafter. Such persons may be subject to rapid COVID-19 testing by Racing NSW.
  • Essential Personnel who reside in the above listed LGA’s or suburbs are not permitted to attend any race meeting or barrier trials.

Vaccinations – Restricted LGA’s of Concern

Effective Monday 6 September 2021

The NSW Government has ordered that any authorised worker that works outside their restricted LGA of concern, must have had their first vaccination dose by 6 September 2021. Accordingly any authorised worker in this category must have their first dose of vaccine by 6 September 2021 to be eligible to be able to leave their restricted LGA of concern to attend a racecourse for animal welfare purposes.

For example – a stablehand or trainer that lives in the Cumberland LGA and works at stables at Rosehill Gardens (Parramatta LGA) must have had their first dose of vaccine by 6 September 2021 to continue to be permitted to leave their LGA of concern (Cumberland) to work at Rosehill Gardens.

Authorised workers that work within the restricted LGA of concern where they reside are not required to obtain a vaccine, but Racing NSW encourages all Essential Personnel to get vaccinated.

For Example - a stablehand or trainer that lives in the Liverpool LGA and works at stables at Warwick Farm (Liverpool LGA) does not require the first dose of vaccine by 6 September 2021 to continue to be able to be work at Warwick Farm. However, Racing NSW encourages all Essential Personnel to get vaccinated.

Workers who are subject to these vaccination requirements, must send evidence of their vaccination status to before attending work on Monday 6 September 2021.

Workers Permits – Restricted LGA’s of Concern

Effective Saturday 28 August 2021

  • Essential Personnel who are authorised workers that are travelling from a restricted LGA of concern to work, are required to have a workers permit issued by Service NSW.
  • Essential Personnel who do not live in a restricted LGA of concern but are travelling to a restricted LGA of concern to work, are required to have a workers permit issued by Service NSW.

Workers permits can be obtained at.

Click Here - Workers Permit

Recent COVID-19 cases at Warwick Farm and Rosehill have highlighted the need for workers to have their workers permit which have been required by NSW Health to be produce. Failure to obtain an appropriate workers permit may result in significant fines being issued by NSW Police.

 Workers Permits – Leaving Greater Sydney

Effective Saturday 21 August 2021

Essential Personnel who do not reside in the restricted LGA’s of concern may leave Greater Sydney for the purpose of work where they cannot reasonably work from home, which includes working at a race meeting, provided they have a workers permit issued by Service NSW. Workers permits can be obtained at.

Use and Fitting of N95 Face Masks

  • N95 face masks are the most effective mask to prevent the spread of the Delta strain and accordingly Essential Personnel are required to use this type of mask when present on a racecourse or licensed premises. At a minimum surgical mask must be worn if a N95 mask is not available.
  • Cloth masks are ineffective against the Delta strain and therefore their use is not permitted.
  • Government orders mandate that face masks must be worn at all times when in an indoor area of a non-residential premises throughout NSW. Premises include in the workplace, such as inside stable premises or offices.
  • The link below provides instructions as to how to fit the N95 mask to ensure it is providing the best protection from COVID-19.

Click here for N95 fitting instructions




Essential Personnel should note the following requirements that soon come into effect for restricted LGA’s of concern.

On 20 August 2021 additional rules were announced in respect to the following restricted LGA’s of concern.

Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown, Liverpool, Cumberland, Blacktown, Parramatta, Campbelltown, George’s River, Bayside, Burwood and Strathfield and Penrith suburbs of Caddens, Claremont Meadows, Colyton, Erskine Park, Kemps Creek, Kingswood, Mount Vernon, St Mary’s, North St Mary’s, Orchard Hills, Oxley Park and St Clair

Currently only authorised workers, as defined by NSW Health, who live in these LGA’s are permitted to leave or work within these LGA’s for authorised work. NSW Health has advised that Essential Personnel attending to horses for animal welfare needs (including feeding and exercise) are considered to be authorised workers and may continue to work, including leaving their LGA for the purpose of doing so.

Essential Personnel are advised to ensure they carry their Racing NSW Licence Identity Card to display to the NSW Police should they be questioned by police when travelling to work. If asked, Essential Personnel should provide this identification to Police and advise they are performing animal welfare work as an authorised worker.


PCR Testing - Restricted LGA's of Concern

Essential Personnel who are authoirsed workers from a restricted LGA of concern must continue to supply Racing NSW with a negative PCR test every 3 days.


Workers Permits – Restricted LGA’s of Concern

Effective Saturday 28 August 2021

  • Essential Personnel who are authorised workers that are travelling from a restricted LGA of concern to work, are required to have a workers permit issued by Service NSW.
  • Essential Personnel who do not live in a restricted LGA of concern but are travelling to a restricted LGA of concern to work, are required to have a workers permit issued by Service NSW.

Workers permits can be obtained at.


Vaccinations – Restricted LGA’s of Concern

Effective 30 August 2021

The NSW Government has ordered that any authorised worker that works outside their restricted LGA of concern, must have had their first vaccination dose by that day or be at a work-site where they are rapid antigen tested. As Racing NSW cannot guarantee that every authorised worker can be rapid antigen tested each day, any authorised worker in this category must have their first dose of vaccine by 30 August 2021 to be eligible to be able to leave their restricted LGA of concern for the purposes of to work.

For example – a stablehand or trainer that lives in the Cumberland LGA and works at stables at Rosehill Gardens (Parramatta LGA) must have had their first dose of vaccine by 30 August 2021 to continue to be permitted to leave their LGA of residence (Cumberland) to work at Rosehill Gardens.

Authorised workers that only go to work within the restricted LGA of concern where they reside are not required to obtain a vaccine, but Racing NSW encourages all Essential Personnel to get vaccinated.

For Example - a stablehand or trainer that lives in the Liverpool LGA and works at stables at Warwick Farm (Liverpool LGA) does not require the first dose of vaccine by 30 August 2021 to continue to be able to be work at Warwick Farm. However, Racing NSW encourages all Essential Personnel to get vaccinated.

Workers who are subject to these vaccination requirements, must sent evidence of their vaccination status to before attending work on Monday 30 August 2021.

Effetcive 30 August 2021 persons from the Canterbury LGA who meet the above criteria may attend either Rosehill or Warwick Farm racecourse only.



Workers Permits – Leaving Greater Sydney

Effective Saturday 21 August 2021

Essential Personnel who do not reside in the restricted LGA’s of concern may leave Greater Sydney for the purpose of work where they cannot reasonably work from home, which includes working at a race meeting, provided they have a workers permit issued by Service NSW. Workers permits can be obtained at.




Greater Sydney Area – Zoning

NSW Health Orders issued on 21 August 2021 have now removed the Central Coast and Shellharbour areas from the definition of the Greater Sydney Area.

Any person who travels more than 50km outside Greater Sydney must have a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within the last 7 days and a permit issued by Service NSW. The Orders, however, do not require any eligible person who is travelling from the Greater Sydney Area to work within a 50km radius of the Greater Sydney Area to obtain a COVID-19 test or complete a permit issued by Service NSW.

Permits – Leaving Greater Sydney

Essential Personnel who do not reside in the restricted LGA’s of concern may leave Greater Sydney for the purpose of work where they cannot reasonably work from home, which includes working at a race meeting. The NSW Government has advised that a permit system for regional travel will be required from 12:01am Saturday 21 August 2021. Permits can be obtained at the following link.

Click Here - Travel Permit

Jockey Zones

Racing NSW has determined that jockeys who have elected to ride in the Greater Sydney Zone will continue to ride at Gosford and Wyong as these tracks fall within the 50km zone from the Greater Sydney Area. Kembla Grange and Hawkesbury racecourses are still within the Greater Sydney Area.

Central Coast and Shellharbour Residents

Essential Personnel who reside in the Central Coast and Shellharbour areas now may travel to regional NSW without having to obtain a COVID-19 test or a permit from Service NSW. Essential Personnel from the Central Coast and Shellharbour areas attending race meetings in the Greater Sydney Area should travel by the most direct practicable route and not stop on the way. When returning to the Central Coast and Shellharbour areas from Greater Sydney there is no requirement to obtain a COVID-19 test.

Additional Rules Restricted LGA’s of Concern

On 20 August 2021 additional rules were announced in respect to the following restricted LGA’s of concern.

Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown, Liverpool, Cumberland, Blacktown, Parramatta, Campbelltown, George’s River, Bayside, Burwood and Strathfield and Penrith suburbs of Caddens, Claremont Meadows, Colyton, Erskine Park, Kemps Creek, Kingswood, Mount Vernon, St Mary’s, North St Mary’s, Orchard Hills, Oxley Park and St Clair

Currently only authorised workers, as defined by NSW Health, who live in these LGA’s are permitted to leave or work within these LGA’s for authorised work. NSW Health has advised that Essential Personnel attending to horses for animal welfare needs (including feeding and exercise) are considered to be authorised workers and may continue to work, including leaving their LGA for the purpose of doing so.

Racing NSW has mandated that Essential Personnel who reside in the Canterbury-Bankstown LGA are not permitted to attend racecourses or stables due to the high case numbers in that LGA.

Essential Personnel are advised to ensure they carry their Racing NSW Licence Identity Card to display to the NSW Police should they be questioned by police when travelling to work. If asked, Essential Personnel should provide this identification to Police and advise they are performing animal welfare work as an authorised worker.

Vaccinations – Restricted LGA’s

Effective 30 August 2021, the NSW Government has ordered that any authorised worker that works outside their restricted LGA of concern, must have had their first vaccination dose by that day or be at a work-site where they can be rapid antigen tested. As Racing NSW cannot guarantee that every authorised worker can be rapid antigen tested each day, any authorised worker in this category must have their first dose of vaccine by 30 August 2021 to be eligible to be able to leave their LGA for the purposes of to work.

For example – a stablehand or trainer that lives in the Cumberland LGA and works at stables at Rosehill Gardens (Parramatta LGA) must have had their first dose of vaccine by 30 August 2021 to continue to be permitted to leave their LGA of residence (Cumberland) to work at Rosehill Gardens.

Authorised workers that only go to work within the restricted LGA of concern where they reside are not required to obtain a vaccine, but Racing NSW encourages all Essential Personnel to get vaccinated.

For Example - a stablehand or trainer that lives in the Liverpool LGA and works at stables at Warwick Farm (Liverpool LGA) does not require the first dose of vaccine by 30 August 2021 to continue to be able to be work at Warwick Farm. However, Racing NSW encourages all Essential Personnel to get vaccinated.

Permits – Restricted LGA’s

From Saturday 28 August 2021, authorised workers from the restricted LGA’s of concern are required to carry a permit from Service NSW declaring they are an authorised worker and cannot work from home. Racing NSW understands this will be a self-declaration completed on the Service NSW website.

 Curfews – Restricted LGA’s

Effective the NSW Government announced curfews for the restricted LGA’s of concern, not permitting persons to leave home between 9pm and 5am. Authorised workers are exempt from this curfew when attending work and may leave home prior to 5am for animal welfare needs.




Additional Rules Restricted LGA’s of Concern

The NSW Government today announced additional rules in respect to the following restricted LGA’s of concern.

Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown, Liverpool, Cumberland, Blacktown, Parramatta, Campbelltown, George’s River, Bayside, Burwood and Strathfield and Penrith suburbs of Caddens, Claremont Meadows, Colyton, Erskine Park, Kemps Creek, Kingswood, Mount Vernon, St Mary’s, North St Mary’s, Orchard Hills, Oxley Park and St Clair

Currently only authorised workers, as defined by NSW Health, who live in these LGA’s are permitted to leave or work within these LGA’s for authorised work. NSW Health has advised that Essential Personnel attending to horses for animal welfare needs (including feeding and exercise) are considered to be authorised workers and may continue to work.

Racing NSW has mandated that Essential Personnel who reside in the Canterbury-Bankstown LGA are not permitted to attend racecourses or stables due to the high case numbers in that LGA.

Essential Personnel are advised to ensure they carry their Racing NSW Licence Identity Card to display to the NSW Police should they be questioned by police when travelling to work. If asked, Essential Personnel should provide this identification to Police and advise they are performing animal welfare work as an authorised worker.

Vaccinations – Restricted LGA’s

Effective 30 August 2021 the NSW Government has ordered that any authorised worker that works outside their restricted LGA of concern, must have had their first vaccination dose by that day or be at a work-site where they can be rapid antigen tested. As Racing NSW cannot guarantee that every authorised worker can be rapid antigen tested each day, any authorised worker in this category must have their first dose of vaccine by 30 August 2021 to be eligible to continue to work.

For example – a stablehand or trainer that lives in the Cumberland LGA and works at stables at Rosehill Gardens (Parramatta LGA) must have had their first dose of vaccine by 30 August 2021 to continue to be able to be considered an authorised worker and work at Rosehill Gardens.

Permits – Restricted LGA’s

From Saturday 28 August 2021, authorised workers from the restricted LGA’s of concern are required to carry a permit from Service NSW declaring they are an authorised worker and cannot work from home. Racing NSW understands this will be a self-declaration completed on the Service NSW website.

Curfews – Restricted LGA’s

Today the NSW Government announced curfews for the restricted LGA’s of concern, not permitting persons to leave home between 9pm and 5am. Authorised workers are exempt from this curfew and may leave home prior to 5am for animal welfare needs.

Permits – Leaving Greater Sydney

Essential Personnel who do not reside in the restricted LGA’s of concern may leave Greater Sydney for the purpose of work where they cannot reasonably work from home, which includes working at a race meeting. The NSW Government has advised that a permit system for regional travel will be required from 12:01am Saturday 21 August 2021. Whilst details of how to apply for a permit have not been released, it is understood that the permit system will be a self-declaration available on the Service NSW website or app. Participants should continue to monitor this site and complete the permit application if operational.




NSW Stay At Home Orders

Following the NSW Government introducing stay at home orders for all NSW, effective 5pm 14 August 2021, attendance at all NSW race meetings, barrier trials, trackwork and licensed premises is restricted to Essential Personnel only until further notice.

Owners, members and the general public are not permitted to attend NSW race meetings, barrier trials, trackwork and licensed premises until further notice.

Restricted NSW Local Government Area’s (LGA’s) & Suburbs

The following LGA’s and suburbs are declared as restricted LGA’s and only authorised workers from these LGA’s and suburbs may leave these areas for work purposes.

  • Fairfield, Canterbury, Liverpool, Cumberland, Blacktown, Parramatta, Campbelltown, George’s River, Bayside, Burwood and Strathfield and Penrith suburbs of Caddens, Claremont Meadows, Colyton, Erskine Park, Kemps Creek, Kingswood, Mount Vernon, St Mary’s, North St Mary’s, Orchard Hills, Oxley Park and St Clair.

Racecourses and Licensed Premises – (Except Randwick)

  • Essential Personnel whose place of residence is in the Canterbury LGA are not permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice.
  • Essential Personnel whose place of residence is LGA’s and suburbs listed above (excluding the Canterbury LGA) may attend racecourses and stables (other than Randwick) on animal welfare grounds, on the condition they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID test before attending and further negative tests every 3 days thereafter. Such persons may be subject to rapid covid testing by Racing NSW.
  • Essential Personnel who reside in the above listed LGA’s or suburbs are not permitted to attend any race meeting or barrier trials.

Randwick Racecourse and Licensed Premises

  • Essential Personnel whose place of residence is in the LGA’s or suburbs listed above (excluding Bayside) are not permitted to attend Randwick racecourse or Randwick licensed premises until further notice.
  • Essential Personnel whose place of residence is in the LGA of Bayside may attend Randwick racecourse and stables on animal welfare grounds, on the condition they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID test before attending and further negative tests every 3 days thereafter. Such persons may be subject to rapid covid testing by Racing NSW.
  • Essential Personnel who reside in the above listed LGA’s or suburbs are not permitted to attend any race meeting or barrier trials.



The NSW Government has today ordered the following Local Government Areas (LGA) as restrict lockdown LGA’s.

  • Bayside, Burwood and Strathfield.

This order is in addition to the Penrith suburbs of Caddens, Claremont Meadows, Colyton, Erskine Park, Kemps Creek, Kingswood, Mount Vernon, St Mary’s, North St Mary’s, Orchard Hills, Oxley Park and St Clair  and the LGA’s of Fairfield, Canterbury, Liverpool, Cumberland, Blacktown, Parramatta, Campbelltown and George’s River also being declared as restricted lockdown LGA’s.

Racecourses and Licensed Premises – Greater Sydney (Except Randwick)

  • Participants whose place of residence is in the Canterbury LGA are not permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice.
  • Participants whose place of residence is in the suburbs of Caddens, Claremont Meadows, Colyton, Erskine Park, Kemps Creek, Kingswood, Mount Vernon, St Mary’s, North St Mary’s, Orchard Hills, Oxley Park and St Clair or the LGA’s of Fairfield, Liverpool, Cumberland, Blacktown, Parramatta, Campbelltown, George’s River, Bayside, Burwood and Strathfield may attend racecourses and stables (other than Randwick) on animal welfare grounds, on the condition they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID test before attending and further negative tests every 3 days thereafter. Such persons may be subject to rapid covid testing by Racing NSW.
  • Participants who reside in these suburbs or LGA’s are not permitted to attend any race meeting or barrier trials.

Randwick Racecourse and Licensed Premises

  • Participants whose place of residence is in the suburbs of Caddens, Claremont Meadows, Colyton, Erskine Park, Kemps Creek, Kingswood, Mount Vernon, St Mary’s, North St Mary’s, Orchard Hills, Oxley Park and St Clair or the LGA’s of Canterbury, Fairfield, Liverpool, Cumberland, Blacktown, Parramatta, Campbelltown, George’s River, Burwood and Strathfield LGA’s are not permitted to attend Randwick racecourse or Randwick licensed premises until further notice.
  • Participants whose place of residence is in the LGA of Bayside may attend Randwick racecourse and stables on animal welfare grounds, on the condition they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID test before attending and further negative tests every 3 days thereafter. Such persons will also be subject to rapid covid testing by Racing NSW on a daily basis.
  • Bayside residents should obtain their 3 day Covid test from Histopath Pathology, Sydney International Airport Carpark who will return a result within 9 hours.
  • Participants who reside in all suburbs or LGA’s listed above are not permitted to attend any race meeting or barrier trials.

Race Meetings – Greater Sydney Area, Central Districts, Hunter & North West, Western Districts and Newcastle.

13 August 2021 Muswellbrook *

14 August 2021 Kembla & Parkes *

15 August 2021 Narromine *

16 August 2021 Gunnedah

18 August 2021 Kensington *

19 August 2021 Hawkesbury *

21 August 2021 Gilgandra *

22 August 2021 Tamworth *

 * Denotes subject to Stay at Home Orders

  • Open to Essential Personnel only.
  • Closed to Owners, Members and general public.
  • Essential Personnel travelling from the Greater Sydney Area still require a negative Covid test taken within the last 7 days to be able to attend. No person from the 11 restricted local government areas in Greater Sydney and the 12 nominated suburbs in the Penrith LGA are permitted to attend.
  • For race meetings that are conducted in LGA’s subject to stay at home orders, in accordance with NSW Health Orders, Essential Personnel that reside outside these areas, who attend the meeting are subject to the same stay at home orders applicable to the area the race meeting when returning to their residence.
  • Compulsory wearing of N95 face masks.
  • Temperature checking of all Essential Personnel to continue.

Exposure Sites

  • With the growing number of exposure sites throughout the state and public transport modes that are considered close and casual contacts throughout NSW, participants are requested to be vigilant and continue to monitor the link below.

  • Racing NSW requires any person that has been to the venues listed in the link above or has the slightest of Covid symptoms, to follow NSW Health Orders, get test and self-isolate as directed. Further those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance. All Essential Personnel must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

Use and Fitting of N95 or KN95 Masks

  • N95 masks are the most effective mask to prevent the spread of the Delta strain and accordingly persons are requested to use this type of mask. At a minimum surgical mask must be worn if a N95 mask is not available. Cloth masks are ineffective against the Delta strain and therefore their use is not permitted.
  • Mandatory face masks (N95) are to be worn by all persons including Essential Personnel and patrons (where permitted) at race meetings and barrier trials conducted throughout NSW.
  • Mandatory face masks (N95) are to be worn by all Essential Personnel in attendance on a racecourse or whilst working on licensed premises or stables in the Greater Sydney Area. This includes race meetings, trackwork, jump outs and barrier trials.
  • Government orders mandate that face masks must be worn at all times when in an indoor area of a non-residential premises throughout NSW. Premises include in the workplace, such as inside stable premises or offices.
  • The link below provides instructions as to how to fit the N95 mask to ensure it is providing the best protection from COVID-19.





Following the NSW Government ordering 12 suburbs in the Penrith LGA to be declared as restricted suburbs and the Hunter, Upper Hunter, Armidale and Tamworth (as at 5pm today) LGA’s being subject to stay at home orders, Racing NSW has implemented the following protocols.

Racecourses and Licensed Premises – Greater Sydney

  • Participants whose place of residence is in the Fairfield or Canterbury LGA’s are not permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice.
  • Participants whose place of residence is in the suburbs of Caddens, Claremont Meadows, Colyton, Erskine Park, Kemps Creek, Kingswood, Mount Vernon, St Mary’s, North St Mary’s, Orchard Hills, Oxley Park and St Clair or the LGA’s of Liverpool, Cumberland, Blacktown, Parramatta, Campbelltown and George’s River may attend racecourses and stables on animal welfare grounds, on the condition they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID test before attending and further negative tests every 3 days thereafter. Such persons may be subject to rapid covid testing by Racing NSW.
  • Participants who reside in these suburbs or LGA’s are not permitted to attend any other NSW racecourse or stables without the approval of Racing NSW.
  • Participants who reside in these suburbs or LGA’s are not permitted to attend any race meeting or barrier trials.

Race Meetings - Gunnedah 10 August 2021 & Scone 12 August 2021

  • Open to Essential Personnel.
  • Open to Owners that reside outside the Tamworth LGA, Armidale LGA, Greater Sydney Area or Hunter and Upper Hunter regions only.
  • Closed to Members and general public.
  • Closed to Owners who reside inside the Tamworth LGA, Armidale LGA, Greater Sydney Area or Hunter and Upper Hunter regions.
  • Essential Personnel from the Greater Sydney Area still require a negative Covid test taken within the last 7 days to be able to attend. No person from the 8 restricted local government areas in Greater Sydney and the 12 nominated suburbs in the Penrith LGA are permitted to attend.
  • In accordance with NSW Health Orders, should the Hunter and Upper Hunter stay at home orders be extended after 10 August 2021, Essential Personnel that reside outside the Greater Sydney Area or Hunter and Upper Hunter regions, who attend the Muswellbrook meeting on 12 August 2021 are subject to the same stay at home orders applicable to Muswellbrook when returning to their residence.
  • Compulsory wearing of N95 face masks
  • Jockeys rooms to be separated into 3 zones.
  • Horse stall areas to be separated into 3 zones.
  • Temperature checking of all essential personnel to continue.

Race Meetings - Newcastle 11 August 2021 & Muswellbrook 13 August 2021

  • Open to Essential Personnel only.
  • Closed to Owners, Members and general public.
  • Essential Personnel from the Greater Sydney Area still require a negative Covid test taken within the last 7 days to be able to attend. No person from the 8 restricted local government areas in Greater Sydney and the 12 nominated suburbs in the Penrith LGA are permitted to attend.
  • In accordance with NSW Health Orders, Essential Personnel that reside outside the Greater Sydney Area or Hunter and Upper Hunter regions, who attend the meeting are subject to the same stay at home orders applicable to Newcastle when returning to their residence.
  • Jockeys from Non-Greater Sydney zone to ride at the meeting.
  • Jockeys rooms to be separated into 3 zones.
  • Compulsory wearing of N95 face masks.
  • Horse stall areas to be separated into 3 zones.
  • Temperature checking of all Essential Personnel to continue.

Exposure Sites

  • With the growing number of exposure sites and public transport modes that are considered close and casual contacts throughout NSW, participants are requested to be vigilant and continue to monitor the link below.

  • Racing NSW requires any person that has been to the venues listed in the link above, to follow NSW Health Orders, get test and self-isolate as directed. Further those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance. All Essential Personnel must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

Use and Fitting of N95 or KN95 Masks

  • N95 masks are the most effective mask to prevent the spread of the Delta strain and accordingly persons are requested to use this type of mask. At a minimum surgical mask must be worn if a N95 mask is not available. Cloth masks are ineffective against the Delta strain and therefore their use is not permitted.
  • Mandatory face masks (N95) are to be worn by all persons including Essential Personnel and patrons (where permitted) at race meetings and barrier trials conducted throughout NSW.
  • Mandatory face masks (N95) are to be worn by all Essential Personnel in attendance on a racecourse or whilst working on licensed premises or stables in the Greater Sydney Area. This includes race meetings, trackwork, jump outs and barrier trials.
  • Government orders mandate that face masks must be worn at all times when in an indoor area of a non-residential premises throughout NSW. Premises include in the workplace, such as inside stable premises or offices.
  • The link below provides instructions as to how to fit the N95 mask to ensure it is providing the best protection from COVID-19.


Following the lockdown orders imposed by the NSW Government today on the Hunter and Upper Hunter regions, Racing NSW has implemented the following protocols.

Tamworth Meeting 6 August 2021

  • Race meeting open to Essential Personnel and Owners that reside outside the Greater Sydney Area or Hunter and Upper Hunter regions only.
  • Closed to Members and general public
  • Closed to Owners who reside inside the Greater Sydney area or Hunter and Upper Hunter regions.
  • Essential Personnel from the Greater Sydney Area still require a negative Covid test taken within the last 7 days to be able to attend. No person from the 8 restricted local government areas in Greater Sydney is permitted to attend.
  • Compulsory wearing of N95 face masks
  • Jockeys rooms to be separated into 3 zones.
  • Horse stall areas to be separated into 3 zones.
  • Temperature checking of all essential personnel.

Newcastle Meetings 7 August & 11 August 2021

  • Race meetings to be attended by Essential Personnel only.
  • Essential Personnel from the Greater Sydney Area still require a negative Covid test taken within the last 7 days to be able to attend. No person from the 8 restricted local government areas in Greater Sydney is permitted to attend.
  • In accordance with NSW Health Orders, Essential Personnel that reside outside the Greater Sydney Area or Hunter and Upper Hunter regions, who attend these meetings are subject to the same lockdown orders when returning to their residence.
  • Jockeys from Non-Greater Sydney zone to ride at both meetings.
  • Jockeys rooms to be separated into 3 zones.
  • Compulsory wearing of N95 face masks
  • Horse stall areas to be separated into 3 zones.
  • Temperature checking of all Essential Personnel to continue.

NOTICE TO ALL PARTICIPANTS (3 August 2021) – South-East Queensland

Racing NSW has taken further expert advice and the following protocols are currently in place to manage lockdown directions issued by the Queensland Government. These protocols must be read in conjunction with recent releases made by Racing NSW.

South-East Queensland Lockdown Directions

Effect today, persons who reside or who have attended South-East Queensland are not permitted to attend NSW racecourses or licensed premises until they complete 14 days self-isolation, outside of South-East Queensland, and provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test prior to attending a NSW racecourse or licensed premises. These persons must advise Racing NSW when the enter NSW and where they intend to complete their self-isolation.

Unless otherwise determined by Racing NSW, NSW Essential Personnel who travel to South-East Queensland are also required to complete 14 days self-isolation and provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test prior to attending a NSW racecourse or licensed premises.

Horses Attending Race Meetings

Subject to approval from the Queensland Government, horses from South-East Queensland may attend NSW race meetings if they are transported to NSW using commercial horse transport and they are not transported directly to the race meeting.

Horses are to be transported to an area designated by the Stewards and placed into the care of a NSW based participant to unload the horse from the transport vehicle. All gear is to be disinfected upon arrival.

Subject to approval from the Queensland Government and Queensland Racing, horses trained in NSW may attend race meetings in South-East Queensland on the condition they are transported to South-East Queensland using commercial horse transport and placed in the care of a Queensland based participant. All gear is to be disinfected upon the horses departure and return. The commercial driver, or any other person travelling to or from South-East Queensland, is not permitted to enter a NSW licensed premises at any time.



  • Due to the high infection rate in the Fairfield LGA and Canterbury LGA, participants whose place of residence is these LGA’s are not permitted to attend any NSW racecourse or licensed premises (stables) until further notice.


The five close contacts of the Covid-19 positive case have now returned negative Covid tests.

Close Contacts

  • These close contacts and any person residing with the close contacts, must self-isolate for 14 days and get re-tested. Such persons must also supply Racing NSW Stewards with their test results when tested in accordance with the health orders and obtain approval from Racing NSW Stewards before returning to a racecourse or licensed premises.

Casual Contacts

  • A number of persons who are considered casual contacts (being in the presence of the closes contacts between 26 July and 30 July) that have provided negative PCR test results may now return to work at the racecourse or licensed premises, provided they obtain a further PCR Covid test on Friday 6 August 2021 and Friday 13 August 2021. These persons may also be subject to further rapid tests on course. Casual contacts are not permitted to attend race meetings until the test on 13 August 2021 is returned negative.

Attendance at Warwick Farm Racecourse

  • Due to the high infection rate in the Fairfield LGA and Canterbury LGA, participants whose place of residence is these LGA’s are not permitted to attend Warwick Farm or any other NSW racecourse or licensed premises (stables) until further notice.
  • Participants whose place of residence is in the Liverpool LGA (which includes Warwick Farm) may continue to attend Warwick Farm racecourse and stables on animal welfare grounds, including for exercise and feeding of horses, but not attend race meetings.
  • Participants whose place of residence is in the LGA’s of Cumberland, Parramatta, George’s River, Campbelltown and Blacktown may attend Warwick Farm racecourse and stables on animal welfare grounds, on the condition they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID test before attending Warwick Farm and further negative tests every 3 days thereafter. These participants are not permitted to attend race meetings or any other racecourse.

  Race Meetings

  • Warwick Farm trainers can continue to nominate their horses for race meetings on the condition they do not use staff who reside in the above 8 LGA’s to accompany the horses. Essential Personnel (including trainers) who reside in the 8 LGA’s above are also not permitted to attend race meetings. Staff who reside outside these LGA’s may accompany the horses to race meetings.
  • Except for close or casual contacts detailed above, Essential Personnel who attend Warwick Farm racecourse and live outside the 8 LGA’s may attend race meetings. These persons may be required to provide a rapid covid test before attending a race meeting at the discretion of Racing NSW.
  • Horses may travel directly from their stable to the race meeting using a commercial horse transport vehicle.
  • Essential Personnel travelling from Warwick Farm racecourse to race meetings should travel directly to the race meeting and not stop whilst travelling to the race meeting, particularly in any of the 8 lockdown LGA’s.

Travel Requirements

  • Racing NSW requires any person travelling from the Greater Sydney Area to a racecourse or stables in Regional NSW must provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test result taken within 7 days.
  • In accordance with the health order, whilst engaged in work, participants who reside outside the 8 LGA’s may travel together in a horse transport vehicle whilst wearing an N95 mask. For the avoidance of doubt car-pooling to and from work is not permitted.


Following a positive Covid-19 case  confirmed at Warwick Farm the following conditions now apply.

  • Any person that has been to Warwick Farm racecourse or a Warwick Farm stable complex since Monday 26 July 2021 is not permitted to attend any other racecourse until further notice.
  • No person from an affected LGA is permitted to attend a NSW race meeting.
  • Training can continue at Warwick Farm, but only with staff that have already attended Warwick Farm between 26 July and 30 July 2021.
  • All other previous conditions imposed in respect to Covid testing remain in place for persons from the effected 8 LGA's remain in place..


Lockdown orders imposed by the NSW Government as detailed below, require persons in the following Local Government Area’s (LGA) to not leave home unless they are an authorised worker.

  • 18 July 2021 - LGA’s of Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown and Liverpool
  • 23 July 2021 - LGA’s of Cumberland and Blacktown
  • 28 July 2021 – LGA’s of Parramatta, Campbelltown and George’s River.

Jockeys who are resident in these LGA’s must comply with such orders.

Racing NSW has determined that jockeys who ride in races and barrier trials (both inside and outside the Greater Sydney Area) are not permitted to attend Rosehill or Warwick Farm racecourse until further notice, including riding in barrier trials or trackwork. However, any jockey who does not ride in races or barrier trails may continue to ride trackwork at Rosehill or Warwick Farm but must not go to any other racecourse.


Lockdown orders imposed by the NSW Government as detailed below, require persons in the following Local Government Area’s (LGA) to not leave home unless they are an authorised worker.

  • 18 July 2021- LGA’s of Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown and Liverpool
  • 23 July 2021 - LGA’s of Cumberland and Blacktown
  • 28 July 2021 – LGA’s of Parramatta, Campbelltown and George’s River.

Rosehill trainers can continue to nominate their horses for race meetings on the condition they do not use staff who reside in the above LGA’s to accompany the horses. Essential Personnel (including trainers) who reside in the LGA’s above are also not permitted to attend race meetings. Staff outside these LGA’s may accompany the horses to race meetings.

The NSW Government health order allows persons living in the above 8 LGA’s to attend Rosehill on animal welfare grounds, which includes feeding and exercising of horses.

  • Due to the high infection rate in the Fairfield, participants whose place of residence is in the Fairfield LGA are not permitted to attend Rosehill or any other NSW racecourse or licensed premises (stables) until further notice.
  • Participants whose place of residence is in the Parramatta LGA (which includes Rosehill) may continue to attend Rosehill racecourse and stables on animal welfare grounds as described above, but not attend race meetings. These persons do not require a PCR Covid test but may be subject to rapid testing by Racing NSW.
  • Participants whose place of residence is in the Canterbury-Bankstown, Liverpool, Cumberland, Blacktown, Campbelltown and George’s River LGA’s may attend Rosehill racecourse and stables on animal welfare grounds, on the condition they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID test before attending Rosehill and further negative tests every 3 days thereafter. Due to the delay in obtaining results for PCR tests, a negative result is not required between 28 July and 30 July but evidence of having obtained the test is required, but such persons may be subject to rapid covid testing by Racing NSW. Importantly please also note, participants who reside in these LGA’s are not permitted to attend any other NSW racecourse or stables (other than Rosehill) without the approval of Racing NSW.


  • Participants whose place of residence is outside the 8 LGA’s listed above may attend Rosehill racecourse or stables on animal welfare grounds. These persons may also attend other NSW racecourses or licensed premises but may be required to provide a rapid antigen test before attending as determined by Racing NSW.
  • Racing NSW requires any person travelling from the Greater Sydney Area to a racecourse or stables in Regional NSW must provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test result taken within 7 days.
  • In accordance with the health order, whilst engaged in work, participants who reside outside the 8 LGA’s may travel together in a horse transport vehicle whilst wearing an N95 mask. For the avoidance of doubt car-pooling to and from work is not permitted.

Jockeys Prohibited from Riding at Rosehill

Racing NSW has determined that jockeys who ride in races and barrier trials (both inside and outside the Greater Sydney Area) are not permitted to attend Rosehill racecourse (in addition to Warwick Farm). However, any jockey who does not ride in races or barrier trails may continue to ride trackwork at Rosehill or Warwick Farm but must not go to any other racecourse. Whist Racing NSW understands the impact this may have on your training operation, such decision is important to ensure the ongoing viability of the industry.

Rosehill Barrier Trials

In respect to the barrier trials scheduled to be conducted at Rosehill on Friday 30 July 2021, jockeys who ride in races and barrier trials or ride at other racecourses will not be permitted to ride at these trials. Trainers are requested to nominated suitably capable riders to the Stewards by email by 12pm Thursday 29 July 2021 for approval. Please note the ATC will deduct the riding fee charge of the barrier trial nomination fee and trainers should make their own arrangements to pay their individual riders.

New barrier trial fields will be generated due to the reduction in field sizes and released soon.

Until further notice, horses trained at Rosehill are not permitted to barrier trial at any other racecourse.



Following the lockdown orders imposed by the NSW Government on 18 July 2021 on the Local Government Areas (LGA) of Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown and Liverpool and LGA’s of Cumberland and Blacktown on 23 July 2021, please note the following.

  • Warwick Farm trainers can continue to nominate their horses for race meetings on the condition they do not use staff who reside in the above LGA’s to accompany the horses. Essential Personnel (including trainers) who reside in the LGA’s above are also not permitted to attend race meetings. Staff outside these LGA’s may accompany the horses to race meetings.
  • Due to the high infection rate in the Fairfield LGA, participants whose place of residence is in the Fairfield LGA are not permitted to attend Warwick Farm or any other NSW racecourse or licensed premises (stables) until further notice.

The NSW Government Health order allows persons living in the above LGA’s to attend Warwick Farm on animal welfare grounds, which includes feeding and exercising of horses.  Accordingly,

  • participants whose place of residence is in the Liverpool LGA (which includes Warwick Farm) may continue to attend Warwick Farm racecourse and stables on animal welfare grounds as described above, but not attend race meetings.
  • participants whose place of residence is in the Canterbury-Bankstown LGA, Cumberland LGA and Blacktown LGA may attend Warwick Farm racecourse and stables on animal welfare grounds, on the condition they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID test before attending Warwick Farm and further negative tests every 3 days thereafter. Importantly please also note, participants whose place of residence is in Canterbury-Bankstown, Liverpool, Cumberland and Blacktown LGA’s are not permitted to attend any other NSW racecourse or stables (other than Warwick Farm) without the approval of Racing NSW.


  • Participants whose place of residence is outside the LGA five LGA’s may attend Warwick Farm racecourse or stables on animal welfare grounds. These persons may attend other NSW racecourses or licensed premises but may be required to provide a rapid antigen test before attending as determined by Racing NSW.
  • Racing NSW requires any person travelling from the Greater Sydney Area to a racecourse or stables in Regional NSW must provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test result taken within 7 days.
  • In accordance with the health order, whilst engaged in work, participants who reside outside the five LGA’s may travel together in a horse transport vehicle whilst wearing an N95 mask. For the avoidance of doubt car-pooling to and from work is not permitted.



Following the lockdown orders imposed by the NSW Government on 18 July 2021 on the Local Government Areas (LGA) of Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown and Liverpool and LGA’s of Cumberland and Blacktown on 23 July 2021, please note the following.

  • Participants whose place of residence is in the LGA of Fairfield are not permitted to attend any NSW racecourse or licensed premises (stables) until further notice.

The NSW Government Health order allows persons living in the above LGA’s to attend Rosehill, Randwick and Hawkesbury racecourse on animal welfare grounds, which includes feeding and exercising of horses.  Accordingly,

  • participants whose place of residence is in the Canterbury-Bankstown LGA, Liverpool LGA, Cumberland LGA and Blacktown LGA may attend Rosehill, Randwick and Hawkesbury racecourse and stables (but not race meetings) on the condition they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID test before attending Rosehill, Randwick or Hawkesbury and further negative tests every 3 days thereafter.
  • participants whose place of residence is in the Canterbury-Bankstown LGA, Liverpool LGA, Cumberland LGA and Blacktown LGA are not permitted to attend any other NSW racecourse or stables (other than Rosehill, Randwick or Hawkesbury) without the approval of Racing NSW.
  • participants who attend Warwick Farm racecourse (for animal welfare needs) are not permitted to attend Rosehill, Randwick or Hawkesbury racecourse (for animal welfare needs).


  • Racing NSW requires any person travelling from the Greater Sydney Area to a racecourse or stables in Regional NSW must provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test result taken within 7 days.
  • In accordance with the health order, whilst engaged in work, participants who reside outside the five LGA’s may travel together in a horse transport vehicle whilst wearing an N95 mask. For the avoidance of doubt car-pooling to and from work is not permitted.


COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (20 July 2021)

Requirements for COVID-19 Negative Tests – Extended to 7 days (Leaving Sydney)

Travel from Greater Sydney to Regional Areas

In accordance with the NSW Health Orders any person that resides in the LGA’s of Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown and Liverpool is not permitted to attend a racecourse or licensed premises in Regional NSW.

Commencing 13 July 2021, Racing NSW required any Essential Personnel that reside or have been to the Greater Sydney Area since 12 July 2021 and wish to attend a racecourse or licensed premises (including race meetings, barrier trials or trackwork) in a Regional Area (outside the Greater Sydney Area) to provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test, taken within 72 hours prior to attending. Following the NSW Government announcing the requirement for these people to be tested on a weekly basis, Racing NSW has extended this requirement to having a negative test within the previous 7 days. Provided that such persons must not leave their place of residence other than for authorised work purposes or absolutely essential purposes only during the 7 day period (even if other activities would be technically permitted under the reasonable excuses in the NSW Government orders).

Test results should be sent to

Essential Personnel intending to travel to a racecourse or licensed premises in a Regional Area should ensure that they have proof of a negative COVID-19 obtained within the previous 7 days before they depart the Greater Sydney Area to avoid the risk that they will not have received it by the time they are seeking to enter the racecourse or licensed premises located in a Regional Area.

Travel to Greater Sydney from Regional Areas

Any Essential Personnel that reside in Regional Areas and travel into the Greater Sydney Area (whether to attend a racecourse or licensed premises or for any other reasons) after 12 July 2021 must still provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test prior to attending a racecourse or licensed premises when returning back to a Regional Area.

Test results should be sent to


Following the lockdown orders imposed by the NSW Government on the Local Government Areas (LGA) of Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown and Liverpool, please note the following:

Warwick Farm trainers can continue to nominate their horses for race meetings on the condition they do not use staff who reside in the above three LGA’s to accompany the horses. Staff outside these LGA’s may accompany the horses.

The new NSW Government Health order allows persons living in the LGA’s to attend Warwick Farm on animal welfare grounds, which includes feeding and exercising of horses.

Accordingly, participants whose place of residence is in the Liverpool LGA (which includes Warwick Farm) may continue to attend Warwick Farm racecourse and stables on animal welfare grounds as described above.

Participants whose place of residence is in the Canterbury-Bankstown LGA may attend Warwick Farm racecourse and stables on animal welfare grounds on the condition they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID test before attending Warwick Farm and further negative tests every 3 days thereafter.

However due to the high infection rate in the Fairfield LGA, participants whose place of residence is in the Fairfield LGA are now not permitted to attend Warwick Farm or any other NSW racecourse or licensed premises (stables) until further notice.

Importantly please also note, participants whose place of residence is in Canterbury-Bankstown or Liverpool LGA’s are not permitted to attend any other NSW racecourse or stables (other than Warwick Farm) without the approval of Racing NSW.


  • Participants whose place of residence is outside the LGA of Liverpool may attend Warwick Farm racecourse or stables on animal welfare grounds. These persons may attend other NSW racecourses or licensed premises.
  • Noting Racing NSW requires any person travelling from the Greater Sydney Area to a racecourse or stables in Regional NSW must provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test result taken within 3 days.
  • In accordance with the health order, participants who reside outside the three LGA’s may travel together in a horse transport vehicle.


Following the lockdown orders imposed by the NSW Government on the Local Government Areas (LGA) of Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown and Liverpool, the following requirements must be met by participants.

Participants whose place of residence is in the LGA of Fairfield are not permitted to attend any NSW racecourse or licensed premises (stables) until further notice.

The NSW Government’s Health order allows participants to attend to animals on welfare grounds, which includes feeding and exercising horses. Accordingly;

  • Participants whose place of residence is in the LGA of Canterbury-Bankstown or Liverpool may attend Rosehill and Randwick racecourse and stables (but not race meetings) on the condition they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID test before attending Rosehill or Randwick and further negative tests every 3 days thereafter.
  • However, participants whose place of residence is in the LGA of Canterbury-Bankstown or Liverpool are not permitted to attend any other NSW racecourse or stables (other than Rosehill or Randwick) without the approval of Racing NSW.


  • Racing NSW requires any person travelling from the Greater Sydney Area to a racecourse or stables in Regional NSW must provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test result taken within 3 days.
  • In accordance with the health order participants who reside outside the three LGA’s may travel together in a horse transport vehicle.


COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (13 July 2021)

The announcement today by the NSW Government of continuing high numbers of COVID-19 cases in the Greater Sydney Area (with areas of Liverpool, Bankstown and Fairfield of high concern) has resulted in Racing NSW taking the following action to ensure that COVID-19 does not impact the ongoing viability of the NSW thoroughbred racing industry.

Fairfield Local Government Area

Public Health Orders issued today requires that any person who resides or is staying in the Fairfield Local Government Area (LGA) must get a COVID-19 test every 72 hours (three days) if they are travelling for essential work purposes. The Fairfield LGA map is below. Suburbs within the Fairfield LGA include Abbotsbury, Bonnyrigg, Bossley Park, Cabramatta, Cecil Park, Fairfield, Horsley Park, Lansdowne, Old Guilford, Prairiewood and Smithfield

Accordingly, all Essential Personnel that reside in this area must ensure that;

  1. Racing NSW has been advised they reside or are staying in such area. Stablehands should report this to their trainer who are required to advise Racing NSW.
  2. Every 72 hours (three days) Essential Personnel residing in the Fairfield LGA must undertake a COVID-19 test and report the negative finding to Racing NSW.
  3. Essential Personnel that return a positive test must immediately report the results to Racing NSW.

It is recommended that all COVID-19 tests are conducted at drive through facilities to avoid close contact with other persons. Drive through testing sites can be found at the link below.

Click Here - Drive Through Testing Sites

Greater Sydney Area – Travel to and from

Requirements for COVID-19 Negative Tests (commencing 13 July 2021)

Travel from Greater Sydney to Regional Areas

Any Essential Personnel that reside or have been to the Greater Sydney Area since 12 July 2021 and wish to attend a racecourse or licensed premises (including race meetings, barrier trials or trackwork) in a Regional Area (outside the Greater Sydney Area) must provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test, taken within 72 hours prior to attending the racecourse or licensed premises in a Regional Area. Further once such test is taken, Essential Personnel must not leave their place of residence other than for work purposes or absolutely essential purposes only (even if other activities would be technically permitted under the reasonable excuses in the NSW Government orders).

Test results should be sent to

Essential Personnel intended to travel to a racecourse or licensed premises in a Regional Area should ensure that they have proof of a negative COVID-19 obtained within the previous 72-hours test before they depart the Greater Sydney Area to avoid the risk that they will not have received it by the time they are seeking to enter the racecourse or licensed premises located in a Regional Area.

Travel to Greater Sydney from Regional Areas

Any Essential Personnel that reside in Regional Areas and travel into the Greater Sydney Area (whether to attend a racecourse or licensed premises or for any other reasons) after 12 July 2021 must provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test prior to attending a racecourse or licensed premises when returning back to a Regional Area.

Test results should be sent to

Further, NSW Government Orders require that any person that resides in a Regional Area but attends or had attended the Greater Sydney Area on or after 21 June 2021 are subject to strict Stay at Home orders, which means that they are not permitted to leave homes without a reasonable excuse. The reasonable excuses currently listed in the NSW Government orders are set out in the next paragraph. Visiting family or friends is not a reasonable excuse. This applies to Essential Personnel to attend race meetings within the Greater Sydney Area.

Leaving Home for Absolutely Essential Purposes Only

All participants, particularly those in the Greater Sydney Area, are requested to limit their movements during the lockdown period to avoid being exposed to COVID-19 and risking the industry. Under the current NSW Government COVID-19 Stay at Home orders, persons are not permitted to leave their homes without a reasonable excuse. Reasonable excuse currently includes essential work or education, shopping for food or other essential goods and services, medical care or compassionate needs and outdoor exercise with no more than 2 people. Visiting family and friends is not permitted under those Stay at Home orders.

During these times of heightened risk, wherever possible participants should try to further limit the time that they leave their homes and do so when only absolutely essential, even if technically permitted under the reasonable excuses. The vigilance of the NSW racing participants in going over and above the technical legal restrictions will provide a further layer of protection from the COVID-19 virus infiltrating the NSW racing industry and jeopardising its ongoing viability.

Exposure Sites

All participants are required to check on a daily basis the updated list of exposure sites and public transport modes that are considered close and casual contacts throughout the Greater Sydney Area found at the link below.

Racing NSW requires any person that has been to the venues listed in the link above, to follow NSW Health Orders, get test and self-isolate as directed. Further those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance. All licensed persons, officials and service providers must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

QR Codes

The NSW Government has mandated the use of QR codes for public premises and businesses. Whilst specifically racing stables are not required by the orders to require QR check-ins on entry, Racing NSW encourages all stables in the Greater Sydney Area to install G+QR codes at the entrance to their stables.

Mandatory Wearing of Face Masks (N95 or KN95)

Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) are to be worn by all persons attending a NSW race meeting. Further, Essential Personnel working at racecourses, licensed premises or stables in the Greater Sydney Area (including trackwork, jump outs and barrier trials) must wear a face mask at all times.

N95 masks are the most effective mask to prevent the spread of the Delta strain and accordingly persons are requested to use this type of mask. At a minimum surgical mask must be worn. Cloth masks are ineffective against the Delta strain and therefore their use is not permitted.

Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) are to be worn by all persons including Essential Personnel and patrons (where permitted) at race meetings and barrier trials conducted throughout NSW.

Government orders mandate that face masks must be worn at all times when in an indoor area of a non-residential premises throughout NSW. Premises include in the workplace, such as inside stable premises or offices.

The link below provides instructions as to how to fit the N95 mask to ensure it is providing the best protection from COVID-19.

Monitoring for symptoms and Temperature Checking

All employers (including trainers, race clubs and service providers) within the Greater Sydney Area must conduct mandatory temperature testing of all staff when they arrive at work on each occasion.

COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.

Most common symptoms:

  • fever
  • dry cough
  • tiredness
  • Less common symptoms:
  • aches and pains
  • sore throat
  • diarrhoea
  • conjunctivitis
  • headache
  • loss of taste or smell
  • a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes

Serious symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
  • chest pain or pressure.
  • loss of speech or movement.

Any participant with the slightest of symptoms listed above should not attend work, get tested and self-isolate until they receive a negative result. This must be reported to Racing NSW.

On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.

Race Meetings (to be read in conjunction with release on 30 June 2021)

Race clubs throughout NSW must ensure that persons attending race meetings have not attended exposure sites in the link below and wear a face mask.

Only Essential Personnel may attend race meetings within the Greater Sydney Area. Owners are not permitted to attend race meetings, barrier trials, trackwork and licensed premises in the Greater Sydney Area.

Temperature checks must be conducted at all entrances to race meetings within the Greater Sydney Area.



COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (12 July 2021)

Greater Sydney Area – Travel to and from

The announcement by the NSW Government of the increased numbers of COVID-19 cases in the Greater Sydney Area (with areas of Liverpool, Bankstown and Fairfield of high concern) has resulted in Racing NSW taking the following action to ensure that COVID-19 does not impact the ongoing viability of the NSW thoroughbred racing industry.

Requirements for COVID-19 Negative Tests (commencing 13 July 2021)

Travel from Greater Sydney to Regional Areas

Any Essential Personnel that reside or have been to the Greater Sydney Area since 12 July 2021 and wish to attend a racecourse or licensed premises (including race meetings, barrier trials or trackwork) in a Regional Area (outside the Greater Sydney Area) must provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test, taken within 72 hours prior to attending the racecourse or licensed premises in a Regional Area. Further once such test is taken, Essential Personnel must not leave their place of residence other than for work purposes or absolutely essential purposes only (even if other activities would be technically permitted under the reasonable excuses in the NSW Government orders).

Test results should be sent to

Essential Personnel intended to travel to a racecourse or licensed premises in a Regional Area should ensure that they have proof of a negative COVID-19 obtained within the previous 72-hours test before they depart the Greater Sydney Area to avoid the risk that they will not have received it by the time they are seeking to enter the racecourse or licensed premises located in a Regional Area.

Travel to Greater Sydney from Regional Areas

Any Essential Personnel that reside in Regional Areas and travel into the Greater Sydney Area (whether to attend a racecourse or licensed premises or for any other reasons) after 12 July 2021 must provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test prior to attending a racecourse or licensed premises when returning back to a Regional Area.

Test results should be sent to

Further, NSW Government Orders require that any person that resides in a Regional Area but attends or had attended the Greater Sydney Area on or after 21 June 2021 are subject to strict Stay at Home orders, which means that they are not permitted to leave homes without a reasonable excuse. The reasonable excuses currently listed in the NSW Government orders are set out in the next paragraph. Visiting family or friends is not a reasonable excuse. This applies to Essential Personnel to attend race meetings within the Greater Sydney Area.

Leaving Home for Absolutely Essential Purposes Only

All participants, particularly those in the Greater Sydney Area, are requested to limit their movements during the lockdown period to avoid being exposed to COVID-19 and risking the industry. Under the current NSW Government COVID-19 Stay at Home orders, persons are not permitted to leave their homes without a reasonable excuse. Reasonable excuse currently includes essential work or education, shopping for food or other essential goods and services, medical care or compassionate needs and outdoor exercise with no more than 2 people. Visiting family and friends is not permitted under those Stay at Home orders.

During these times of heightened risk, wherever possible participants should try to further limit the time that they leave their homes and do so when only absolutely essential, even if technically permitted under the reasonable excuses. The vigilance of the NSW racing participants in going over and above the technical legal restrictions will provide a further layer of protection from the COVID-19 virus infiltrating the NSW racing industry and jeopardising its ongoing viability.

Exposure Sites

All participants are required to check on a daily basis the updated list of exposure sites and public transport modes that are considered close and casual contacts throughout the Greater Sydney Area found at the link below.

Racing NSW requires any person that has been to the venues listed in the link above, to follow NSW Health Orders, get test and self-isolate as directed. Further those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance. All licensed persons, officials and service providers must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

QR Codes

The NSW Government has mandated the use of QR codes for public premises and businesses. Whilst specifically racing stables are not required by the orders to require QR check-ins on entry, Racing NSW encourages all stables in the Greater Sydney Area to install G+QR codes at the entrance to their stables.

COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (9 July 2021)

Greater Sydney Area

The announcement by the NSW Government that the areas of Liverpool, Bankstown and Fairfield are areas of high concern is a reminder to all industry participants of the continuing vigilance that must been shown to ensure that COVID-19 does not impact the NSW thoroughbred racing industry.

All participants are required to check on a daily basis the updated list of exposure sites and public transport modes that are considered close and casual contacts throughout the Greater Sydney Area found at the link below.

Click Here - Covid 19 Exposure Sites

Racing NSW requires any person that has been to the venues listed in the link above, to follow NSW Health Orders, get test and self-isolate as directed. Further those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance. All licensed persons, officials and service providers must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

Leaving Home for Absolutely Essential Purposes Only

All participants, particularly those in the Greater Sydney Area, are requested to limit their movements during the lockdown period to avoid being exposed to COVID-19 and risking the industry. Under the current NSW Government COVID-19 Stay at Home orders, persons are not permitted to leave their homes without a reasonable excuse. Reasonable excuse includes essential work or education, shopping for food or other essential goods and services, medical care or compassionate needs and outdoor exercise with no more than 2 people. Visiting family and friends is not permitted under those Stay at Home orders.

During these times of heightened risk, wherever possible participants should try to further limit the time that they leave their homes and do so when only absolutely essential, even if technically permitted under the reasonable excuses. The vigilance of the NSW racing participants in going over and above the technical legal restrictions will provide a further layer of protection from the COVID-19 virus infiltrating the NSW racing industry and jeopardising its ongoing viability.

Mandatory Wearing of Face Masks (N95 or KN95)

Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) are to be worn by all persons attending a NSW race meeting. Further, Essential Personnel working at racecourses, licensed premises or stables in the Greater Sydney Area (including trackwork, jump outs and barrier trials) must wear a face mask at all times.

N95 masks are the most effective mask to prevent the spread of the Delta strain and accordingly persons are requested to use this type of mask. At a minimum surgical mask must be worn. Cloth masks are ineffective against the Delta strain and therefore their use is not permitted.

Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) are to be worn by all persons including Essential Personnel and patrons (where permitted) at race meetings and barrier trials conducted throughout NSW.

Government orders mandate that face masks must be worn at all times when in an indoor area of a non-residential premises throughout NSW. Premises include in the workplace, such as inside stable premises or offices.

The link below provides instructions as to how to fit the N95 mask to ensure it is providing the best protection from COVID-19.

Click Here - Fitting of N95 mask

Monitoring for symptoms and Temperature Checking

All employers (including trainers, race clubs and service providers) within the Greater Sydney Area must conduct mandatory temperature testing of all staff when they arrive at work on each occasion.

COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.

Most common symptoms:

  • fever
  • dry cough
  • tiredness
  • Less common symptoms:
  • aches and pains
  • sore throat
  • diarrhoea
  • conjunctivitis
  • headache
  • loss of taste or smell
  • a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes

Serious symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
  • chest pain or pressure.
  • loss of speech or movement.

Any participant with the slightest of symptoms listed above should not attend work, get tested and self-isolate until they receive a negative result. This must be reported to Racing NSW.

On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.

Race Meetings (to be read in conjunction with release on 30 June 2021)

Race clubs throughout NSW must ensure that persons attending race meetings have not attended exposure sites in the link below and wear a face mask.

Click Here - Covid 19 Exposure Sites

Only Essential Personnel may attend race meetings within the Greater Sydney Area. Owners are not permitted to attend race meetings, barrier trials, trackwork and licensed premises in the Greater Sydney Area.

Temperature checks must be conducted at all entrances to race meetings within the Greater Sydney Area.


COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (30 June 2021)

Queensland Exposure Sites

Racing NSW has taken expert advice in respect to persons who reside in Queensland or have been to Queensland on or after 19 June 2021. The following requirements have been implemented.

  • Essential Personnel (jockeys, trainers, stablehands, Officials and Service Providers) who reside or have been to Queensland on or after 19 June 2021 are permitted to attend racecourses or licensed premises, provided that they have not been to any of the Queensland COVID-19 Exposure Sites listed below or are a close or casual contact of anyone who has been to the exposure sites.

         Click Here - Queensland Exposure Sites

  • The COVID-19 declaration found at the link below must be completed and provided to Racing NSW Stewards by any person that has been to Queensland on or after 19 June 2021 prior to attending a racecourse or licensed premises.

Click here - COVID Declaration Form

  • All trainers must make inquiries with any of their staff have been to Queensland on or after 19 June 2021 to ensure that they have not been to any of the Queensland COVID-19 Exposure Sites listed at the link above or are a close or casual contact of anyone who has been to the exposure sites.
  • Jockeys who reside or have been to Queensland on or after 19 June 2021 to be separated from other jockeys to minimise contact.

Sydney Region – Updated Sites

With the growing number of exposure sites and public transport modes that are considered close and casual contacts throughout the Sydney area, participants are requested to be vigilant and continue to monitor the link below.

Click Here - NSW Exposure Sites

Racing NSW requires any person that has been to the venues listed in the link above, to follow NSW Health Orders, get test and self-isolate as directed. Further those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance. All licensed persons, officials and service providers must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

Use and Fitting of N95 or KN95 Masks

N95 masks are the most effective mask to prevent the spread of the Delta strain and accordingly persons are requested to use this type of mask. At a minimum surgical mask must be worn. Cloth masks are ineffective against the Delta strain and therefore their use is not permitted.

Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) are to be worn by all persons including Essential Personnel and patrons (where permitted) at race meetings and barrier trials conducted throughout NSW.

Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) are to be worn by all Essential Personnel in attendance on a racecourse or whilst working on licensed premises or stables in the Greater Sydney Area. This includes race meetings, trackwork, jump outs and barrier trials.

Government orders mandate that face masks must be worn at all times when in an indoor area of a non-residential premises throughout NSW. Premises include in the workplace, such as inside stable premises or offices.

The link below provides instructions as to how to fit the N95 mask to ensure it is providing the best protection from COVID-19.

Click Here - Fitting of N95 mask


COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (30 June 2021)

Murwillumbah Race Meeting (1 July) COVID-19 Protocols

The race meeting scheduled at Murwillumbah on 1 July 2021 is subject to the following protocols for persons that have been to Queensland or reside in Queensland.

  • General public who reside or have been to Queensland on or after 19 June 2021 are not permitted to attend the race meeting.
  • Essential Personnel (jockeys, trainers, stablehands, officials and service providers) who reside or have been to Queensland on or after 19 June 2021 are permitted to attend the race meeting, provided that they have not been to any of the COVID-19 Exposure Sites listed in the links below or are a close or casual contact of anyone who has been to the exposure sites.

         Queensland Click Here - Queensland Exposure Sites

          NSW Click Here - NSW Exposure Sites

  • The COVID-19 declaration found at the link below must be completed by downloading and sending to  before attending the race meeting.

Click Here - COVID-19 Declaration

  • All trainers must make inquiries with all of their staff attending the race meeting and declare that their staff have confirmed they have not been to any of the COVID-19 Exposure Sites listed in the links above or are a close or casual contact of anyone who has been to the exposure sites.
  • Jockeys who reside or have been to Queensland on or after 19 June 2021 will be placed in separate rooms to minimise contact.
  • All persons attending the race meeting must wear a N95 or KN95 mask at all times where available. At a minimum, surgical masks must be worn at all times and the use of cloth masks is not permitted.

Use and Fitting of N95 or KN95 Masks

N95 masks are the most effective mask to prevent the spread of the Delta strain and accordingly persons are requested to use this type of mask. At a minimum surgical mask must be worn. Cloth masks are ineffective against the Delta strain and therefore their use is not permitted.

Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) are to be worn by all persons including Essential Personnel and patrons (where permitted) at race meetings and barrier trials conducted throughout NSW.

Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) are to be worn by all Essential Personnel in attendance on a racecourse or whilst working on licensed premises or stables in the Greater Sydney Area. This includes race meetings, trackwork, jump outs and barrier trials.

Government orders mandate that face masks must be worn at all times when in an indoor area of a non-residential premises throughout NSW. Premises include in the workplace, such as inside stable premises or offices.

The link below provides instructions as to how to fit the N95 mask to ensure it is providing the best protection from COVID-19.

Click Here - Fitting N95 or KN95 Mask


COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (29th June 2021)

Greater Sydney Region – Updated Sites

With the growing number of exposure sites and public transport modes that are considered close and casual contacts throughout the Sydney area, participants are requested to be vigilant and continue to monitor the link below.

Click here for Exposure Sites

Racing NSW requires any person that has been to the venues listed in the link above, to follow NSW Health Orders, get test and self-isolate as directed. Further those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance. All licensed persons, officials and service providers must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

Use and Fitting of N95 or KN95 Masks

N95 masks are the most effective mask to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 Delta strain and accordingly persons are requested to use this type of mask. At a minimum surgical mask must be worn. Cloth masks are ineffective against the Delta strain and therefore their use is not permitted.

Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) are to be worn by all persons including Essential Personnel and patrons (where permitted) at race meetings and barrier trials conducted throughout NSW.

Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) are to be worn by all Essential Personnel in attendance on a racecourse or whilst working on licensed premises or stables in the Greater Sydney Area. This includes race meetings, trackwork, jump outs and barrier trials.

Government orders mandate that face masks must be worn at all times when in an indoor area of a non-residential premises throughout NSW. Premises include in the workplace, such as inside stable premises or offices.

The link below provides instructions as to how to fit the N95 mask to ensure it is providing the best protection from COVID-19.

Click here for N95 fitting instructions

COVID Update for industry participants (28th June)

Greater Sydney Area Jockey Zone

Below is a list of jockeys who have advised that they will ride at race meetings and barrier trials in the Greater Sydney Area Zone only. The racecourses located in the Greater Sydney Area are Royal Randwick, Rosehill Gardens, Warwick Farm, Canterbury Park, Hawkesbury, Gosford, Wyong and Kembla Grange. Only the jockeys listed below will be permitted to be declared to ride at race meetings and barrier trials at these tracks. All other jockeys will only be permitted to ride at race meetings and barrier trials outside the Greater Sydney Area Zone.

Greater Sydney Area
1 ADKINS, Andrew
2 AVDULLA, Brenton
3 BAYLISS, Regan
4 BERRY, Tommy
5 BOSS, Glen
6 BOWMAN, Hugh
7 BUCKLEY, Grant
9 CLARK, Tim
11 COLLETT, Jason
12 DAY, Louise (a)
13 DOLAN, Robbie
14 FORD, Jay
15 HENNESSEY, Ellen (a)
16 INNES, James
17 KING, Rachel
18 LATHAM, Keegan
19 LERENA, Brandon
20 LEVER, Chad
21 McDONALD, James
22 McEVOY, Kerrin
23 MORRIS, Jackson
24 O'HARA, Kathy
25 PARR, Josh
27 RYAN, Brock (a)
28 SCHILLER, Tyler (a)
29 SCORSE, Patrick
30 SHERRY, Tom
31 VAN DER HOVEN, Heavelon
33 WATERS, Madison (a)

COVID Update for industry participants - NSW Metropolitan Areas (27th June)

**This update is to be read in conjunction with the releases below of the 7th, 10th, 16th, 18th, 23rd and 25th June**

27 June 2021

NSW COVID-19 - Stay At Home Orders

In response to NSW Government orders requiring persons located or that have been in the Greater Sydney Area (which includes the Hawkesbury, Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong) and Wollongong (Kembla Grange)) to stay at home until 11:59pm on 9 July 2021, unless for an essential reason, Racing NSW has implemented the following updated protocols to ensure the ongoing conduct of the NSW Thoroughbred Racing Industry during the pandemic.

The reasons persons may leave their home include:

  • Essential work, or education, where you cannot work or study from home.
  • Shopping for food or other essential goods and services;
  • Medical care or compassionate needs (people can leave home to have a COVID-19 vaccination unless you have been identified as a close contact);
  • Exercise outdoors in groups of 10 or fewer;

Attendance by Essential Personnel at race meetings, barrier trials, jump outs, trackwork and licensed premises is considered to be essential work.

These protocols are to be read in conjunction with previous notices and are in addition to the restrictions imposed by the NSW Government. All racing participants should ensure that they regularly review the NSW Government announcements and adhere to any applicable restrictions – see following link.


  • Any person that has been to the venues listed in the link below must follow NSW Health Orders and where applicable, get tested and self-isolate as directed. Further, those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises (even for work purposes) until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance. All Essential Personnel (officials, jockeys, trainers, stablehands, media and service providers) must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

  • Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) to be worn by all persons including Essential Personnel and patrons (where permitted) at race meetings and barrier trials conducted throughout NSW.
  • N95 masks are the most effective mask to prevent the spread of the Delta strain and accordingly persons are requested to use this type of mask. At a minimum surgical mask must be worn. Cloth masks are ineffective against the Delta strain and therefore their use is not permitted.
  • Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) to be worn by all Essential Personnel in attendance on a racecourse or whilst working on licensed premises or stables in the Greater Sydney Area. This includes race meetings, trackwork, jump outs and barrier trials.
  • Government orders mandate that face masks (N95 or surgical) must be worn at all times when in an indoor area of a non-residential premises throughout NSW. Premises include in the workplace, such as inside stable premises or offices.
  • Jockey Zones are implemented into two regions for race meetings and barrier trials,
    • 1. Greater Sydney Area and
    • 2. Non-Greater Sydney Area.

Jockeys are required to advise Racing NSW by no later than Monday 28 June 2021 which region they intend to ride in. Greater Sydney Area includes all metropolitan tracks, Hawkesbury, Gosford, Wyong and Kembla Grange. All other racecourses are in the Non-Greater Sydney Area. Zones will be in place until such time that Racing NSW determines.

Should the zones continue beyond the stay-at-home order period (currently 11:59pm 9 July 2021) the Wyong meeting scheduled for Saturday 10 July 2021 will be transferred to Newcastle and the Kembla Grange meeting scheduled for 17 July 2021 will be transferred to Goulburn. The Goulburn meeting scheduled for 19 July 2021 will be transferred to Nowra. Early notice will be provided if these meetings are to be transferred.

  • Maintaining of jockey/official zones on raceday.
  • Jockeys rooms and indoor areas a limit of one person per 4 square metres.
  • Owners prohibited from attending race meetings, barrier trials, trackwork, jump outs and licensed premises (trainers stables) in the Greater Sydney Area, including Hawkesbury, the Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong) and Wollongong (Kembla Grange).


  1. Until further notice, Jockey Zones are implemented into two regions for race meetings and barrier trials,
  • Greater Sydney Area and
  • Non-Greater Sydney Area.

Jockeys are required to advise Racing NSW by no later than Monday 28 June 2021 which region they intend to ride in. Greater Sydney Area includes all metropolitan tracks, Hawkesbury, Gosford, Wyong and Kembla Grange. All other racecourses are in the Non-Greater Sydney Area. Zones will be in place until such time that Racing NSW determines.

Should the zones continue beyond the stay-at-home order period (currently 11:59pm 9 July 2021) the Wyong meeting scheduled for Saturday 10 July 2021 will be transferred to Newcastle and the Kembla Grange meeting scheduled for 17 July 2021 will be transferred to Goulburn. The Goulburn meeting scheduled for 19 July 2021 will be transferred to Nowra. Early notice will be provided if these meetings are to be transferred.

  1. Jockeys may continue to ride trackwork (not jump outs) outside their nominated zone subject to adhering to NSW Government orders, ensuring they wear face masks (N95 or surgical) at all times and adhere to strict bio-security and social distancing practices. Jockeys who reside outside the Greater Sydney Area and elect to ride trackwork in the Greater Sydney Area are subject to stay at home orders except when attending work.
  2. All jockeys must wear face masks (N95 or surgical) during race meetings and barrier trials conducted in NSW, however may lower the face mask if they wish whilst riding a horse when competing. Jockeys must wear face masks (N95 or surgical) when riding trackwork in the Greater Sydney Area, however, may lower the face mask if they wish whilst riding a horse in training.
  3. At all NSW race meetings jockeys rooms to comply with NSW Health requirements of one person per 4 square metres for indoor spaces.
  4. Any jockey experiencing any of the COVID-19 symptoms, must not attend the racecourse, contact their local Stewards and get tested.
  5. Upon arrival on course, jockeys must not enter the jockey’s room until their temperature has been checked and verified within normal parameters. Jockey must sanitize their hands before entering the jockey’s room and have a face mask on at all times when in the jockey’s room.
  6. A jockey experiencing an elevated temperature will be given the opportunity to have a further temperature assessment 15 minutes following the first assessment.
  7. Should the rider’s temperature remain elevated he or she will not be permitted to enter the jockey’s room and shall be required to leave the racecourse. A medical clearance to the satisfaction of Racing NSW will be required before riding again.
  8. Once in the jockey’s room, wherever possible, jockeys will be required to segregate a minimum of at least 1.5 metres apart and wear a face mask at all times. Jockey’s rooms shall be divided into multiple rooms at the direction of the Stewards.
  9. Whenever possible, between races jockeys should use hand sanitizers provided by the club. All gear should be cleaned/disinfected between races.
  10. Direct contact between other jockeys and persons should be avoided at all costs and maintain social distancing (1.5 metres apart) from all persons.
  11. Should any rider feel unwell or experience any of the symptoms of COVID-19 throughout the day, they must advise the Stewards who will obtain medical assistance.
  12. Once a jockey has fulfilled their final engagement, they should thoroughly clean/disinfect gear, shower and leave the jockeys room and racecourse immediately.
  13. The use of spas on all racecourses is prohibited until further notice.
  14. The use of dedicated persons wearing face masks (N95 or surgical) and gloves to ‘leg up’ jockeys shall continue.

Essential Personnel (other than jockeys)

  1. Essential Personnel (other than jockeys) that reside inside the Greater Sydney Area may continue to work at race meetings and barrier trials outside the Greater Sydney Area subject adhering to NSW Government orders, ensuring they wear face masks (N95or surgical) at all times and adhere to strict bio-security and social distancing practices.
  2. Essential Personnel (other than jockeys) that reside outside the Greater Sydney Area may continue to work at race meetings and barrier trials inside the Greater Sydney Area subject to adhering to NSW Government orders, ensuring they wear face masks (N95 or surgical) at all times and adhere to strict bio-security and social distancing practices. However, such persons will be subject to stay-at-home orders when returning to outside to Greater Sydney Area, except for work purposes.
  3. Essential Personnel that reside outside the Greater Sydney Area, but were in the Greater Sydney Area from 21 June 2021 are subject to stay-at-home orders, except for designated purposes including essential work. This applies to Essential Personnel residing outside the Greater Sydney Area who attended any of the following race meetings: Hawkesbury 22 June 2021, Canterbury 23 June 2021, Kembla Grange 24 June 2021 and Rosehill Gardens 26 June 2021.

Race Clubs and Meetings

  1. Mandatory face masks (N95 or surgical) to be worn by all persons, including Essential Personnel and patrons (where applicable) at race meetings and barrier trials conducted in NSW except when eating or drinking (as set out in the NSW Health Orders).
  2. Only Essential Personnel are permitted to attend racecourses and licensed premises in the Greater Sydney Area, including Hawkesbury, the Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong) and Wollongong (Kembla Grange).
  3. The operation of jockey and officials’ zones from other industry participants will remain in force at all NSW race meetings.
  4. Outside the Greater Sydney Area, race clubs may continue to allow patrons (including owners) to attend race meetings but must ensure proper separation from Essential Personnel and wearing face masks (N9 or surgical). Race clubs should continue to monitor the NSW Government website at the following link, to ensure compliance with any orders that are in place which currently limited indoor spaces to one person every 4 square metres outside the Greater Sydney Area.

Trackwork, Jump Outs, Barrier Trials and Licensed Premises (Greater Sydney Area)

  1. Only Essential Personnel and Officials are permitted to attend barrier trials, trackwork, jump outs and licensed premises or stables in the Greater Sydney Area, including Hawkesbury, the Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong) and Wollongong (Kembla Grange) until further notice. Face masks (N95 or surgical) must be worn at all times.
  2. Owners are not permitted to attend barrier trials, trackwork, jump outs and licensed premises or stables in the Greater Sydney Area.
  3. Trainers in the Greater Sydney Area, including Hawkesbury, the Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong) and Wollongong (Kembla Grange) should ensure they continue to implement their COVIDSafe plans including the checking of staff temperatures on arrival and requiring staff to wear face masks (N95 or surgical) at trackwork, jump outs and whilst at licensed premises or stables.

Persons Travelling from Victoria

Persons that have been to a Victorian Public Exposure Site during the relevant periods listed at the link below, are not permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until they complete the necessary self-isolation period, provide Racing NSW with the results of a negative COVID-19 test and receive approval from Racing NSW to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises. Persons who have attended these sites and plan on attending a NSW racecourse or licensed premises must report such attendance to Racing NSW Stewards.

Horses Travelling from Victoria

The requirement for horses travelling from Victoria to not travel directly to a NSW racecourse or licensed premises has been lifted subject to the persons transporting such horses not having been to a Victorian Public Exposure Site as listed above.


COVID Update for industry participants - NSW Metropolitan Areas (25th June)

**This update is to be read in conjunction with the releases below of the 7th, 10th, 16th, 18th and 23rd June**

NSW COVID-19 Cases – Update

The NSW Government has announced additional exposure sites following additional contact racing. Racing NSW requires any person that has been to the venues listed in the link below, to follow NSW Health Orders, get test and self-isolate as directed. Further, those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance. All licensed persons, officials and service providers must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

Kensington Exposure Sites

The following sites in the Kensington area are considered to be exposure sites and require persons who have attended at the relevant time to get tested and self-isolate. Participants must also following the requirements detailed above.

  • The Doncaster Hotel – Wednesday 23 June 2021 between 5:45pm and 8:00pm (Get tested and self-isolate for 14 days).
  • Kensington 7 Eleven – Tuesday 22 June 2021 between 12:40pm and 1:20pm (Get tested and self-isolate until a negative result is received).

With the growing number of venues and public transport modes that are considered to be exposure sites, participants are requested to be vigilant and continue to monitor the links below.

Rosehill Gardens Race Meeting 26 June 2021

Racing NSW and the Australian Turf Club have move the meeting scheduled for 26 June 2021 from Randwick to Rosehill. Only Essential Personnel will be permitted to attend along with owners who have horses running. The attendance restrictions will  be reviewed. All persons attending must adhere to the Racing NSW COVID-19 protocols, importantly the protocols released on 23 June 2021.


COVID Update for industry participants - NSW Cases (23rd June)

In response to NSW positive COVID-19 cases, Racing NSW has taken the following steps to minimise the risk of COVID-19 spreading into the NSW Racing Industry.

These updated protocols are to be read in conjunction with previous notices and are in addition to the restrictions imposed by the NSW Government.

All racing participants should ensure that they regularly review the NSW Government announcements and adhere to any applicable restrictions.

For full details please CLICK HERE

A media release of restrictions introduced today by the NSW Government can also be found at the link below.

NSW Media Release

COVID Update for industry participants - NSW Metropolitan Areas (20th June)

**This update is to be read in conjunction with the releases below of the 7th, 10th, 16th and 18th June**

Sydney Region – Updated Sites

Following NSW health authorities confirming additional positive COVID-19 cases, Racing NSW requires any person that has been to the venues listed in the link below, to follow NSW Health Orders, get test and self-isolate as directed. Further those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance. All licensed persons, officials and service providers must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

With the growing number of venues and public transport modes that are considered close and casual contacts throughout the Sydney area, participants are requested to be vigilant and continue to monitor the link below.


COVID Update for industry participants - NSW Metropolitan Areas (18th June)

**This update is to be read in conjunction with the releases below of the 7th, 10th and 16th June**

Sydney Metropolitan Area – Update Sites

Following NSW health authorities confirming one positive COVID-19 case today, Racing NSW requires if any person has been to the venues listed below, to follow NSW Health Orders, get test and self-isolate as directed. Further those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance. All licensed persons and service providers must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

Close contacts (Including Western NSW recent advice) – Get tested immediately and self-isolate for 14 days.

Suburb Venue Address Date and time
Bondi Junction Screening of the Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard, Cinema 1, at Events Cinema 500 Oxford Street Sunday 13 June – 1.30pm to 4pm (1.45pm screening)
Bondi Junction David Jones Bondi 500 Oxford Street 11am to 11:40am on Saturday 12 June 2021; 3.30pm to 4.15pm on Tuesday 15 June 2021
Bondi Junction Harry's Coffee  Kitchen 500 Oxford Street 3pm to 3.40pm on Tuesday 15 June 2021
Bondi Junction Myer Bondi 500 Oxford Street 11:40am to 12:15pm on Saturday 12 June 2021
Bondi Junction NAB (in Westfield) 500 Oxford Street 2.45pm to 3.10pm on Tuesday 15 June 2021
Bondi Junction Sourdough Bakery 500 Oxford Street 12:40pm to 1:10pm on Friday 11 June 2021
Castle Hill Contents International Design and Luxury Store 19/20C Hills Super Cenre North 18 Victoria Ave 11:20am to 11:45am on Tuesday 15 June 2021
Castle Hill Spotlight Castle Hill 12 Victoria Ave 11am to 11:20am on Tuesday 15 June 2021
Dubbo PKs Bakery 105 Cobra Street 7:30am to 8:45am on Thursday 3 June 2021
Leichhardt Harris Farm Leichhardt Shop B1, 51-57 Norton Street 9:50am to 10:05am on Tuesday 15 June 2021
Moree Amaroo Tavern Amaroo Drive 4:50pm to 6:30pm on Friday 4 June 2021
Moree ASSEF’s clothing store 139-143 Balo Street 3pm to 3:30pm on Thursday 3 June 2021
Moree Gwydir Thermal Pools Motel and Caravan park (Reception only) 4 Amaroo Drive 1:45pm to 2pm on Thursday 3 June 2021
North Ryde Cemetery Cafe Macquarie Park Macquarie Park Cemetery, Corner Delhi Rd & Plassey Rd 1pm to 1:20pm on Tuesday 15 June 2021
Northmead Northmead Bowling Club 166 Windsor Road 3:30pm to 10pm on Sunday 13 June 2021
Redfern Wax Car Wash Café 375 Cleveland Street 12pm to 3pm on Monday 14 June 2021
Vaucluse Belle Cafe 103 New South Head Road 9:15am to 9:50am on Friday 11 June 202110:20am to 10:45am on Saturday 12 June 20211:20pm to 1:50pm on Saturday 12 June 202110:20am to 11:45am on Sunday 13 June 20219:50am to 10:25am on Tuesday 15 June 2021
Vaucluse Field to Fork Vaucluse 101 New South Head Road 12pm to 4pm on Friday 11 June 2021
Vaucluse Rocco's 103B Laguna Street 10:55am to 11:30am on Monday 14 June 2021
Vaucluse Washoku Vaucluse 52 New South Head Road 12pm to 1:30pm on Saturday 12 June 2021
Zetland Coles, East Village Shopping Centre O'Dea Avenue 11am to 1pm on Monday 14 June 2021
Zetland Lorna Jane, Zetland, East Village Shopping Centre T12A East Village 4 Defries Avenue 11am to 1pm on Monday 14 June 2021
Zetland Taste growers - fruit and veggie shop, East Village Shopping Centre Shop 39/2 Defries Avenue 11am to 1pm on Monday 14 June 2021


Public transport routes

By Route Date Time Start location End location
Bus 200 Tuesday 15 June 2021 4:25pm to  5pm Bondi Junction interchange Blue St, North Sydney (near North Sydney Station)


Casual contacts (Including Western NSW recent advice) – Get tested immediately and self-isolate until you get a negative result.


Suburb Venue Address Date and time
Bondi Fruitologist 151 Bondi Road 1pm to 2pm on Tuesday 15 June 2021
Bondi The Health Emporium 263-265 Bondi Road 12:15pm to 12:45pm on Tuesday 15 June 2021
Coonabarabran Coles Express Coonabarabran 2-6 John Street 11:15am to 11:45am on Thursday 3 June 2021
Dubbo Homestead Motel 101 Cobra Street 12am to 10am on Thursday 3 June 2021
Moree Cafe omega 145 Balo Street 1:30pm to 4:30pm on Thursday 3 June 20217am to 9:30am on Friday 4 June 202111:50am to 2pm on Friday 4 June 2021
Moree Gwydir Thermal Pools Motel and Caravan Park 4 Amaroo Drive 1:45pm to 11:59pm on Thursday 3 June 2021all day on Friday 4 June 202112am to 6am on Saturday 5 June 2021
Moree Woolworths Moree 215 Balo Street 3:30pm to 4:30pm on Thursday 3 June 2021
Zetland East Village Shopping Centre East Village 4 Defries Avenue 11am to 1pm on Monday 14 June 2021


Monitor for symptoms.

Monitor for symptoms. If symptoms occur, get tested immediately and self-isolate until you receive a negative result.


Suburb Venue Address Date and time
Vaucluse Nielsen Park 6 Steele Point Rd 11:45am to 2pm on Sunday 13 June 2021


Industry participants should continue to monitor the link below from NSW Health which will provide updates on new locations that will require persons to get tested and self-isolate.


COVID Update for industry participants - NSW Metropolitan Areas (17th June)

**This update is to be read in conjunction with the releases below of the 7th and 10th June**

Sydney Metropolitan Area

Following health authorities confirming three positive COVID-19 cases in Bondi NSW, Racing NSW requires if any person has been to the venues listed below, to follow NSW Health Orders and get test and self-isolate until further notice. Further those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance. All licensed persons and service providers must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

Close contacts – Get tested immediately and self-isolate for 14 days.

Suburb Venue Address Date and time
Bondi Junction Screening of the Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard, Cinema 1, at Events Cinema 500 Oxford Street Sunday 13 June – 1.30pm to 4pm (1.45pm screening)
Bondi Junction David Jones Bondi 500 Oxford Street 11am to 11:40am on Saturday 12 June 2021
Bondi Junction Event Cinemas Bondi Junction 500 Oxford Street 1.30pm to 4pm on Sunday 13 June 2021
Bondi Junction Myer Bondi 500 Oxford Street 11:40am to 12:15pm on Saturday 12 June 2021
Bondi Junction Harry's Coffee  Kitchen 500 Oxford Street 3pm to 3.40pm on Tuesday 15 June 2021
Bondi Junction NAB (in Westfield) 500 Oxford Street 2.45pm to 3.10pm on Tuesday 15 June 2021
Bondi Junction Sourdough Bakery 500 Oxford Street 12:40pm to 1:10pm on Friday 11 June 2021
North Ryde Cemetery Cafe Macquarie Park Macquarie Park Cemetery, Corner Delhi Rd & Plassey Rd 1pm to 1:20pm on Tuesday 15 June 2021
Redfern Wax Car Wash Café 375 Cleveland Street 12pm to 3pm on Monday 14 June 2021
Vaucluse Belle Cafe 103 New South Head Road 9:15am to 9:50am on Friday 11 June 20211:20pm to 1:50pm on Saturday 12 June 202111:30am to 12pm on Sunday 13 June 2021
Vaucluse Field to Fork Vaucluse 101 New South Head Road 12pm to 4pm on Friday 11 June 2021
Vaucluse Rocco's 103B Laguna Street 10:55am to 11:30am on Monday 14 June 2021
Vaucluse Washoku Vaucluse 52 New South Head Road 12pm to 1:30pm on Saturday 12 June 2021
Zetland Coles, East Village Shopping Centre O'Dea Avenue 11am to 1pm on Monday 14 June 2021
Zetland Taste growers - fruit and veggie shop, East Village Shopping Centre Shop 39/2 Defries Avenue 11am to 1pm on Monday 14 June 2021


Casual contacts – Get tested immediately and self-isolate until you get a negative result.


Suburb Venue Address Date and time
Bondi Fruitologist 151 Bondi Road 1pm to 2pm on Tuesday 15 June 2021

Public transport routes

Monitor for symptoms and if symptoms occur, get tested and self-isolate.


By Route Date Time Start location End location
Bus 200 Tuesday 15 June 2021 4:25pm to  5pm Bondi Junction interchange Blue St, North Sydney (near North Sydney Station)


Industry participants should continue to monitor the link below from NSW Health which will provide updates on new locations that will require persons to get tested and self-isolate.


COVID Update for industry participants - NSW Western Regional Exposure sites, Western NSW sites & Queensland sites (10th June)

Following health authorities confirming that a positive COVID-19 case from Victoria travelled to western NSW and Queensland areas, Racing NSW requires if any person has been to the venues listed below, to follow NSW Health Orders and get tested and self-isolate until further notice.

Further, those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance.

For full details please CLICK HERE

COVID Update for industry participants - Victorian, NSW South Coast, Goulburn & Gundagai Areas (7th June)

Victorian COVID-19 Cases

Racing NSW reminds industry participants that COVID-19 protocols released on 1 June 2021 remain in place until further notice in respect to persons travelling from Victoria which can be found at the link below.

Victorian COVID-19 Cases (1st June)

NSW South Coast, Goulburn and Gundagai Areas

Following health authorities confirming that a positive COVID-19 case from Victoria travelled to the NSW south coast, Goulburn and Gundagai areas, Racing NSW requires if any person has been to the venues listed below, to follow NSW Health Orders and get tested and self-isolate until they return a negative result.

Further, those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance.

All licensed persons and service providers must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

• Green Patch campground, Booderee National Park, Jervis Bay, 19 May 2021 to 24 May 2021
• Cooked Goose Cafe (formerly Hyams Beach Cafe), Hyams Beach, on Sunday May 23 between 10am and 12pm
• Coles Vincentia Shopping Village, Vincentia, on May 23 between 12pm and 1pm
• 5 Little Pigs Huskisson on 21 May 2021 between 9:30am and 11:30am
• Shell Coles Express Big Merino, Goulburn, on Monday May 24 between 10am and 11:30am
• Trapper's Bakery, Goulburn, on Monday May 24 between 10:15am and 11:30am
• Foodworks Gundagai on 19 May 2021 between 11am and 12pm
• Gundagai Craft Centre Gundagai on 19 May 2021 between 11:15am and 12pm
• Junque & Disorderly Antiques Gundagai on 19 May 2021 between 11:15am and 12pm
• The Coffee Pedaler Gundagai 19 May 2021 between 9:30am am and 11:15am

Industry participants should continue to monitor the link below from NSW Health which will provide updates on new locations that will require persons to get tested and self-isolate.

NSW Govt, COVID-19 Case Locations

COVID Update for industry participants - NSW South Coast & Goulburn Area (2nd June)

NSW South Coast & Goulburn Area

Following health authorities confirming that a positive COVID-19 case from Victoria travelled to the NSW south coast and Goulburn areas, Racing NSW requires if any person has been to the venues listed below, to follow NSW Health Orders and get test and self-isolate until they return a negative result.

Further, those persons must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result and approval is given from Racing NSW to resume attendance.

All licensed persons and service providers must report to Racing NSW Stewards if they have been to such locations.

• Green Patch campground, Booderee National Park, Jervis Bay, all day May 23 until 9am May 24
• Cooked Goose Cafe (formerly Hyams Beach Cafe), Hyams Beach, on Sunday May 23 between 10am and 12pm
• Coles Vincentia Shopping Village, Vincentia, on May 23 between 12pm and 1pm
• Shell Coles Express Big Merino, Goulburn, on Monday May 24 between 10am and 11:30am
• Trapper's Bakery, Goulburn, on Monday May 24 between 10:30am and 11:30am

Industry participants should continue to monitor the link below from NSW Health which will provide updates on new locations that will require persons to get tested and self-isolate.

COVID Update for industry participants - Victorian COVID-19 Cases (1st June)

Racing NSW has implemented the following COVID-19 protocols in respect to persons and horses travelling from Victoria, in response to the significant number of places of high concern (tier 1) and concern (tier 2) released by the Victorian Government and the continuing positive COVID-19 cases.

Persons Travelling from Victoria.
Persons that have been to a Victorian place of high concern (tier 1) or of concern (tier 2) during the relevant periods listed at the link below, are not permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises for 14 days after they have been at that place and must provide Racing NSW with the results of a negative COVID-19 test taken on day 14 before entering.

Any person that has been in the Greater Melbourne Area or a Victorian local government area of concern (listed below) on or after 26 May 2021, are not permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises for 14 days after they have been in the area of concern and they provide Racing NSW Stewards with the results of a negative COVID-19 test taken on day 14 before entering.
Any person that has been in the Greater Melbourne Area or a Victorian local government area of concern (listed below) between 12 May 2021 and before 26 May 2021, are not permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until they provide Racing NSW Stewards with the results of a negative COVID-19 test.

Greater Melbourne, comprising the following Local Government Areas (LGAs):

Banyule City, Bayside City, Boroondara City, Brimbank City, Cardinia City, Casey City, Darebin City, Frankston City, Glen Eira City, Greater Dandenong City, Hobsons Bay City, Hume City, Kingston City Knox City, Manningham City, Maribyrnong City, Maroondah City, Melbourne City, Melton City, Monash City, Moonee Valley City, Moreland City, Mornington Peninsula Shire, Nillumbik Shire, Port Phillip City, Stonnington City, Whitehorse City, Whittlesea City, Wyndham City, Yarra City, Yarra Ranges Shire.

Horses travelling from Victoria.
Effective immediately horses are not permitted to be transported directly from Victoria to a training stable or racecourse (other than originating from the NSW/Victorian Border Region) but may be transported to a spelling, pre-training or non-licensed property that is not located on a racecourse or where horses are in training and being transported directly to a race meeting.
Upon arrival at the property, the following unloading procedures must be implemented.

a. The driver is to unload horses from the vehicle and ensure that he or she maintains social distancing from any person on the property.

b. Any person located on the property is not permitted to enter the transport vehicle and must ensure he or she maintains social distancing from the driver.

c. Horse/s are to be placed into an outside yard or paddock (and must not be taken into a stable by the driver) designated by the property.

d. All gear including halter and lead must be returned to the vehicle by the driver and must not be left at the property.

e. Any gate or other item touched by the driver should be cleaned and disinfected.

f. Horse/s are to remain at the property for at least 3 hours, after which time they can be transported to a licensed premises or stables by a NSW based vehicle and driver.

NSW/Victorian Border Residents.
Licensed Persons, Officials, Race Club Employees & Service Providers

1. Victorian residents who currently reside in the border region (set attached map) can attend NSW licensed premises and racecourses provided they have not been to a place or high concern (tier 1) or concern (tier 2) or the Greater Melbourne Area or a Victorian local government area of concern on or after 26 May 2021.

2. NSW residents can travel within the border region (including Victoria) and may also travel outside the border area within NSW and attend any NSW licensed premises or racecourse, provided they have not been to a place or high concern (tier 1) or concern (tier 2) or the Greater Melbourne Area or a Victorian local government area of concern on or after 26 May 2021.

COVID Update for industry participants - Victorian COVID-19 Cases (26th May) (Updated)

Victorian COVID-19 Cases

The Victorian Government has today confirmed additional positive COVID-19 cases in that state. The NSW Government has issued orders relating to the entry of persons into NSW from Victoria. All industry participants must follow NSW Government Orders which can be found at the link below.

In addition, Racing NSW has taken expert advice in relation to the most recent cases and issues the following directions.

  • Persons that have been to a Victorian place of high concern (tier 1) or of concern (tier 2) during the relevant periods listed at the link below, are not permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises for 14 days after they have been at that place and must provide Racing NSW with the results of a negative COVID-19 test taken on day 14 before entering .

  • Essential personnel that have been to a Local Government Area of concern (as listed below) on or from 6am 12 May 2021 require a negative COVID test taken after being in that area. General public no requirement for testing but should strongly consider if they attend.

Any licensed person or essential personnel that is currently located in NSW should strongly consider as to whether they travel to Victoria in the immediate future as the areas or places of concern are being updated and changing regularly and this may impact on your eligibility to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises on your return.

In accordance with Racing NSW ongoing requirements any person that displays symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time as they obtain a negative COVID-19 test.

**Racing NSW is closely monitoring the situation in Victoria and may introduce further measures when additional information becomes available**

Greater Melbourne, comprising the following Local Government Areas (LGAs):
Banyule City
Bayside City
Boroondara City
Brimbank City
Cardinia City
Casey City
Darebin City
Frankston City
Glen Eira City
Greater Dandenong City
Hobsons Bay City
Hume City
Kingston City
Knox City
Manningham City
Maribyrnong City
Maroondah City
Melbourne City
Melton City
Monash City
Moonee Valley City
Moreland City
Mornington Peninsula Shire
Nillumbik Shire
Port Phillip City
Stonnington City
Whitehorse City
Whittlesea City
Wyndham City
Yarra City
Yarra Ranges Shire

COVID Update for industry participants - Victorian COVID-19 Cases (26th May)
Further to the notice provided by Racing NSW yesterday (25 May 2021) below, the Victorian Government has updated it's list of places of high concern (Tier 1) and places of concern (Tier 2). All participants who have recently been in Victoria should check the link below to ensure they have not attended a place of high concern (Tier 1) or a place of concern (Tier 2). Anyone who has been to these places at the relevant time must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises and should inform Racing NSW Stewards of such attendance.

COVID Update for industry participants - Victorian COVID-19 Cases (25th May)
Following the notification from the Victorian Government confirming 4 positive COVID-19 cases in that state, the NSW Government has issued orders relating to the entry of persons into NSW from Victoria.

For full details please CLICK HERE

Updated COVID-19 Information For Industry Participants (May 6)
Further to yesterday’s release from Racing NSW, an additional positive case of COVID-19 was reported today (spouse of previous positive) and following further contact tracing conducted by the NSW Government, additional venues have been identified as requiring persons to self-isolate and get tested.

Any person that has been to the venues listed here during the relevant times must not attended a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice and at a minimum will be required to provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result.

Further, any participant who has been to one of these venues during the relevant times, must report such occurrence to the Stewards and follow NSW Health directions.

NSW Positive COVID-19 Case (5 May 2021)
The NSW Government announced today that one person had tested positive to COVID-19 this morning. The person is from Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs.

Following contact tracing that has been conducted, the NSW Government has ordered that any person who has been to the venues below during the relevant times, must get tested and self-isolate until further notice. Any person that has been to the venues below during the relevant times, must not attended a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice and at a minimum will be required to provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result. Further, any participant who has been to one of these venues during the relevant times must report such occurrence to the Stewards and follow NSW Health directions and the directions of Racing NSW.

Suburb Venue Address Time
Bondi Junction Screening of The Courier at Event Cinemas Westfield Bondi Junction, 500 Oxford Street Friday April 30, 6pm – 8pm
Rushcutters Bay Figo Restaurant 3/56-60A Bayswater Road Friday April 30, 8.45pm – 11pm
Silverwater Joe's Barbeques & Heating 142 Silverwater Road Saturday May 1, 1pm –1.45pm
Silverwater Tucker Barbecues 138 Silverwater Road Saturday May 1, 1pm – 1.45pm
Annandale Barbeques Galore G1/212-220 Parramatta Road Saturday May 1, 2pm – 3pm
Casula Barbeques Galore The Crossroads, Unit 12B, Parkers Farm Place Saturday May 1, 4pm – 5pm
Mascot BP Mascot 1077 Botany Road Saturday May 1, 4.30pm – 5pm
Bondi Junction The Meat Store 262 Oxford Street Sunday May 2, 3pm – 4pm
Sydney District Brasserie 2 Chifley Square, Sydney Friday 30 April, 11am – 11:45am
Sydney HineSight Optometrist; Sofitel Sydney Wentworth P2/61-101 Phillip St, Sydney Friday 30 April, 12pm – 1pm
Paddington Barbetta 2 Elizabeth St, Paddington Friday 30 April, 1:30pm – 2:30pm

Participant's should check for updated venues on the NSW Health website at the link below.


COVID-19 Update (Tuesday, 4 May 2021)

Wearing of Masks

Racing NSW has continued to monitor COVID cases and after taking expert advice has determined that barrier attendants, clerks of the course and persons assigned to leg up jockeys on race day are no longer required wear masks.

Western Australia 

With Western Australia recording three Covid cases recently, NSW Health has required persons who have been to a venue of high concern in Western Australia to follow the public health advice for testing and self-isolation. Persons that have attended a venue of high concern in Western Australia must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until they complete the required period of self-isolation and COVID-19 testing.

Any person that has been in Western Australia since 27 April 2021 should ensure they have not been to a place of high concern at the page below. 

COVID-19 Update (Tuesday, 6 April 2021)

Queensland and New South Wales COVID-19 Update

Racing NSW has continued to monitor developments in Queensland in respect to the most recent COVID-19 cases.

After taking further expert advice, Racing NSW has determined that persons that have been in Queensland since 20 March 2021 may now attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises without requiring a COVID-19 test, provided that such persons are not subject to orders below whereby they are considered to be a casual or close contact from a Queensland or NSW venue.

Queensland Venues
There are a number of venues in Queensland that are considered to be close or casual contacts at the link below.

Any person that has been to one of the Queensland locations must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice and at a minimum will be required to provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result.

New South Wales Venues
Any person who has been to one of the NSW locations listed in the link below must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice and at a minimum will be required to provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result.

COVID-19 Update (Thursday, 1 April 2021)

Queensland and Northern NSW

Racing NSW has continued to monitor developments in Queensland and Northern NSW in respect to the most recent COVID-19 cases and has taken expert advice.

On Monday 29 March 2021 Racing NSW directed that any person that was at the Eagle Farm race meeting on 20 March 2021 and the Doomben race meeting on 27 March 2021 or has been in the Greater Brisbane Area since 20 March 2021, must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice.

With the Queensland stay at home orders being lifted today, Racing NSW has taken expert advice in respect of attendance at NSW racecourses and licensed premises. Any person that has been in the state of Queensland since 20 March 2021, including outside the Greater Brisbane Area, must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time as they provided Racing NSW with evidence of a negative COVID-19 test. Such requirement includes all persons including essential personnel (including jockeys, trainers, stablehands, officials and service providers), owners, members, and the general public.

Casino Race Meeting

The Casino race meeting to be conducted on Tuesday 6 April 2021, will be closed to the general public and owners. Only licensed persons, officials and service providers that are participating at the race meetings shall be permitted to attend. In addition, any essential personnel that have been in the state of Queensland since 20 March 2021, including outside the Greater Brisbane Area, will not be permitted to attend the  race meeting, unless they provide Racing NSW with evidence of a negative COVID-19 test.

Queensland Venues

There are a number of venues in Queensland that are considered to be close or casual contacts at the link below. Any person that has been to one of the Queensland locations during the specified periods must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice and at a minimum will be required to provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result.

New South Wales Venues

Any person who has been to one of the NSW locations listed in the link below during the specified periods must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice and at a minimum will be required to provide Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result.


COVID-19 Update (Wednesday, 31 March 2021)

Queensland and Northern NSW
Racing NSW has continued to monitor developments in Queensland and Northern NSW in respect to the most recent COVID-19 cases and has taken expert advice.

On Monday, 29 March 2021 Racing NSW directed that any person that was at the Eagle Farm race meeting on 20 March 2021 and the Doomben race meeting on 27 March 2021 or has been in the Greater Brisbane Area since 20 March 2021, must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice. Such direction remains in place.

Should the Queensland stay at home orders be extended any person that has been in the Greater Brisbane Area since 20 March 2021, will not be permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice.

To read the full details please CLICK HERE

COVID-19 Update (Tuesday, 30 March 2021)

Queensland Restrictions
On Monday 29 March 2021 Racing NSW directed that any person that was at the Eagle Farm race meeting on 20 March 2021 and the Doomben race meeting on 27 March 2021 or has been in the Greater Brisbane Area since 20 March 2021, must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice. Such direction remains in place.

Coffs Harbour and Ballina Race Meetings

Today racing NSW has directed that the race meetings to be conducted at Coffs Harbour on Thursday 1 April 2021 and Ballina on Tuesday 6 April 2021, will be closed to the general public and owners. Only licensed persons, officials and service providers that are participating at the race meetings shall be permitted to attend. In addition, any person that resides in Queensland, including those who reside outside the Greater Brisbane Area, will not be permitted to attend either race meeting. This includes, licensed persons, officials, service providers and owners.

NSW Venues

Anyone who has been to the following venue must immediately get tested and self-isolate and remain in isolation until further advice is provided by NSW Health. Such persons are not permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice. Any licensed person should contact Racing NSW Stewards to advise of such occurrence and will be required to provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test before returning to a racecourse or licensed premises when approval is given.

Suburb Venue Address Date and time
Byron Bay Byron Beach Hotel 1 Bay St, Byron Bay NSW 2481 Friday 26 March 2021

From 7pm – 9pm

Byron Bay Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park – women's communal toilets 143 Alcorn St, Suffolk Park 26 March 2021

From 6pm – 6:30pm and

From 9:10pm – 9:30pm

27 March 2021

From 3:20pm – 3:50pm

Byron Bay Mokha Café 2/2 Lawson St, Byron Bay 27 March 2021

From 10:30am-11:30am

Byron Bay The Farm Byron Bay 11 Ewingsdale Rd, Ewingsdale NSW 2481 Sunday 28 March 2021

From 8:45am – 10:30am



The following are casual contact venues. If you have been to any of these places at the listed times, you should immediately self-isolate and get tested regardless of symptoms and stay in isolation until a negative result is received. Such persons are not permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice. Any licensed person should contact Racing NSW Stewards to advise of such occurrence and will be required to provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test before returning to a racecourse or licensed premises when approval is given.


Suburb Venue Address Date and time
Byron Bay Ghanda Clothing 3/8 Lawson St, Byron Bay 27 March 2021

From 12:00pm -12:15pm

Byron Bay Tiger Lily 3/17-21 Jonson St, Byron Bay 27 March 2021

From 12:25pm –12:30pm

Byron Bay Black Sheep 46 Jonson St, Byron Bay 27 March 2021

From 12:30pm – 12:40pm

Byron Bay Quiksilver 2 Jonson St, Byron Bay 27 March 2021

From 12:40pm - 12:45pm

Byron Bay Suffolk Bakery Shop 1/2 Clifford St, Suffolk Park 27 March 2021

From 2:45pm – 3:15pm

Byron Bay Park Hotel Bottle Shop 223 Broken Head Rd, Suffolk Park 27 March 2021

From 7:30pm-7:45pm

Further announcements in respect to addition restrictions which may be implemented in regard to the evolving COVID-19 situation in Queensland will be made by Racing NSW when additional information is available.

Below is a link to NSW Government orders in respect to persons who have been in the Greater Brisbane Area, including places of concern and high concern.

NSW Govt - Latest COVID-19 news & updates

COVID-19 Update (Monday, 29 March 2021)

Greater Brisbane Lockdown (29th March 2021)
Effective immediately (10:30am Monday, 29th March 2021) any person that was at the Eagle Farm race meeting on Saturday, 20th March 2021 and the Doomben race meeting on Saturday, 27th March 2021, or has been in the Greater Brisbane Area since 20th March 2021, must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice.

To read the full details please CLICK HERE

These protocols must be read in conjunction with recent releases made by Racing NSW.

Below is a link to NSW Government orders in respect to persons who have been in the Greater Brisbane Area, including places of concern and high concern.

NSW Govt - Latest COVID-19 news & updates

COVID-19 Update (Friday, 26 March 2021)

Queensland Health Orders

Any person that is subject to the Queensland Government Contract Tracing Alert is not permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until completing the following requirements.

Any person that has attended the following venues must quarantine at home for 14 days, get tested and not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises for 14 days and provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative Covid-19 test.

Date Place Suburb Arrival time Departure time
Sunday 21 March Mamma’s Italian Restaurant
69 Redcliffe Parade New
Redcliffe 12.30pm 3.10pm

Any person that has attended the following venues must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until they provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test.

Date Place Suburb Arrival time Departure time
Saturday 20 March Westfield Carindale Shopping Centre New Carindale 12pm 2.16pm
Saturday 20 March Market Organics (store only)
190 Enoggera Road New
Newmarket 2.45pm 3pm
Saturday 20 March Baskins-Robbins
2/489 South Pine Road New
Everton Park 9.20pm 9.25pm
Sunday 21 March Genki Mart
3/24 South Pine Road New
Alderley 10.30am 10.46am
Monday 22 March Guzman y Gomez Stafford (drive through)
400 Stafford Road New
Stafford 12.20pm 12.25pm
Monday 22 March Bunnings Stafford
450 Stafford Road New
Stafford 12.40pm 12.50pm
Thursday 25 March Aldi Stafford, Stafford City Shopping Centre
400 Stafford Road New
Stafford 8.30am 8.45am
Thursday 25 March Nundah Respiratory Clinic
1270 Sandgate Road New
Nundah 11.15am 11.40am
Date Place Suburb Arrival time Departure time
Sunday 21 March Gasworks Plaza
76 Skyring Terrace New
Newstead 9.50am 10.20am
Monday 22 March KFC Everton Park (drive through)
6 Griffith Street New
Everton Park 7.55pm 8pm


COVID-19 Update (Thursday, 12 March 2021)

Travel from New Zealand

The Chief Health Officer has signed an exemption under the Public Health (COVID-19 Air Transportation Quarantine) Order (No 1) 2021 in relation to persons arriving from a NZ COVID-19 hotspot. The exemption commences at 12.01 am on 12 March. In the exemption:

  • People who have been in Auckland in the past 14 days will be exempt from hotel quarantine provided that they seek testing for COVID-19 after arriving in NSW. They must self-isolate in their accommodation until they receive a negative result. The exemption has conditions that apply in relation to self-isolation.
  • If a person has only been in Auckland airport after flying into Auckland airport from another part of New Zealand, they will not be required to quarantine or self-isolate on arrival.

Accordingly, persons who have travelled to NSW from Auckland after 12:01am on 12 March 2021 must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until such time that they provide Racing NSW Stewards with a negative COVID-19 test result and must self-isolate until the negative test result has been received.

Other International Jurisdictions

Persons travelling from other international jurisdictions (excluding New Zealand) are still required, after serving their mandatory government required quarantine period,  to contact Racing NSW Stewards to obtain advice in respect to attending a NSW racecourse or licensed premises and must not attend these venues until approval from Racing NSW is provided.


COVID-19 Update (Monday, 1 March 2021)

Travel from New Zealand

The NSW Government has issued a Public Health Order commencing at 12.01am on 25 February 2021 that any person that arrives in Australia from New Zealand and has been in a New Zealand COVID-19 Hotspot in the previous 14 days prior to their arrival in NSW must:

  1. Immediately leave Australia by air if:
    1. The person is not an Australian citizen; and
    2. It is reasonably practical to do so; or
  2. If clause 1 does not apply, go directly to a quarantine facility; or
  3. If the person requires medical treatment, go directly to a medical facility for treatment.

Auckland, including Auckland Airport is a New Zealand COVID-19 Hotspot.

Accordingly, any person who has travelled to Australia and has been in a New Zealand COVID-19 Hotspot in the 14 days prior to their arrival in NSW, must adhere to the above orders and not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until they have completed the quarantine period and have provided Racing NSW with a negative COVID-19 test result in writing at day 16 of their quarantine period.

Below is a link to the relevant NSW Government Health Order.


COVID-19 Update (Wednesday, 17th February 2021)

Racing NSW, in accordance with its expert advice, had previously imposed restrictions on persons attending NSW racecourses and licensed premises in light of the Victorian Government’s lockdown orders effective from 12:01am 13 February 2021 and the NSW Government replication of those lockdown orders for persons that had travelled to Victoria on or since 29 January 2021.

As those Government restrictions cease at midnight tonight 17 February 2021, Racing NSW lifts the directions that applied generally in respect of persons that had been in Victoria on or since 29 January 2021 and advises that there is no requirement to self-isolate or get tested on return to NSW, other than for those persons who have attended Victorian exposure sites during the relevant periods detailed.

Persons are still required to comply with Racing NSW’s directions in respect of specific hotspots or exposure sights identified by the relevant Government authorities (see link below), including the obligation to report any such attendance to the Racing NSW Stewards.

Victorian Exposure Sites

NSW Hotspots

Important warning:

In light of the recent lockdown in Victoria as a result of community transmissions of COVID-19 and the warnings from the Victorian Government that thousands of people have still potentially been exposed to infectious cases, caution should be exercised in considering whether to travel to Victoria and, in particular, the Greater Melbourne area.

In the event that community transmissions again become an issue in Victoria, persons that have travelled there may again find themselves restricted from being permitted to attend NSW racecourses and licensed premises.

To read the full details please CLICK HERE

COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (Monday, 15th February 2021)

Following the Victorian Government introducing lockdown orders effective from 12:01am on 13 February 2021 until 11:59pm 17 February 2021, and the NSW Government response to the lockdown orders, Racing NSW has taken expert advice in respect to attendance at NSW racecourses and licensed premises.

Racing NSW directs that any person that has been in Victoria (other than those who have only been in the NSW/Victoria border community) on or since 29 January 2021 must not, without the permission of Racing NSW, attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice and must comply with the NSW Government orders.

Those persons who have only been in Victoria in the area defined as the NSW/Victoria border community since 29 January 2021 and have not been to any other area of Victoria may attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises, provided that they wear a face mask at all times while in attendance at these venues.

Further, jockeys in this category are to be segregated in a separate jockeys room on raceday from the jockeys who have not been to Victoria since 29 January 2021.

Racing NSW shall continue to monitor the COVID-19 cases in Victoria and provide a further update tomorrow in respect to restrictions on persons who have been in Victoria since 29 January 2021.

Note: NSW/Victoria border community means the area previously described as such in NSW Public Health Orders, specifically being a community that a reasonable person would consider to be a community located at or near the border.

COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (12 February 2021)

Following the Victorian Government introducing lockdown orders effective 11:59pm tonight and the announcement of concerns in respect of the rapid spread of COVID-19 in Victoria, Racing NSW has taken expert advice in respect to attendance at NSW racecourses and licensed premises.

The NSW Government has ordered that any person who has entered NSW from Victoria since 29 January 2021 must comply with the Victorian lockdown orders and remain at their place of residence for 5 days effective 11:59pm 12 February 2021.

In light of those matters, Racing NSW directs that any person that has been in Victoria on or since 29 January 2021 must not, without the permission of Racing NSW, attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice and must comply with the NSW Government orders.

Race Meetings

The Balranald Race Meeting scheduled for tomorrow 13 February 2021 is postponed until further notice.

Other race meetings scheduled for tomorrow 13 February 2021 will proceed subject to the restrictions outlined above in respect of persons that have been in Victoria on or since 29 January 2021.

Racing NSW will review the position on Monday 15 February 2021 and provide a further update to the industry.


COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (1 February 2021)

Canberra Racing - Thoroughbred Park

In consultation with Racing NSW stewards, the Canberra Racing Club wishes to advise updates to COVID-19 border restrictions made by ACT Government relevant to travelling participants and patrons. The ACT Government has lifted hotspot declarations on all local government areas except for Cumberland and consequently, participants travelling from previously excluded areas such as Rosehill Gardens and Warwick Farm are now allowed to enter the ACT and Thoroughbred Park. This update also allows local participants to travel their horses to Sydney freely.

Anyone who has entered Cumberland LGA, ACT residents included, are still require to quarantine for 14 days when entering the ACT and are therefore excluded from attending race meetings at Thoroughbred Park.

For more information, please contact Ms Amy Squires, Canberra Racing Club Chief Operating Officer, by phone on (02) 6204 0000 or visit the official ACT COVID-19 website at:

COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (28 January 2021)

Owners Permitted to attend Stables or Licensed Premises

Owners are permitted to enter trainers stables or licensed premises (including the greater Sydney area) to visit and inspect their horses, subject to the following conditions and the consent of the trainer.

  1. Trainers must have a register that requires owners to sign in and leave contact number.
  2. Temperature checking of owners upon entry and recording of temperatures in sign in register.
  3. Requirement for owners to sanitise upon entry into the stables.
  4. Trainers to have a COVIDSafe plan and appropriate signage reminding owners entering to monitor for COVID-19 symptoms.

Racing NSW Stewards shall conduct an audit of trainers facilities and trainers found not to have complied with these conditions may be subject to penalty.

Wearing of Face Masks – Greater Sydney Area

Following the relaxation of the face mask wearing orders by the NSW Government, the wearing of face masks is not compulsory for Essential Personnel. However, barrier staff, Clerks of the Course and persons designated to ‘leg up’ jockeys in the mounting enclosure are still require to wear face masks whilst performing their duties.

Racing NSW notice can be viewed below.

Covid-19 Update For Industry Participants (Thursday 28th January)

COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (21 January 2021)

Racing NSW has taken further expert advice with respect to general attendance at race meetings in the Greater Sydney Area, including the Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong) and Wollongong (Kembla Grange).

General Attendance at Race Meetings in Greater Sydney Area

These protocols must be read in conjunction with recent releases made by Racing NSW.

To read the full details please CLICK HERE

NSW Govt - Latest COVID-19 news & updates

COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (14th January 2021)

Racing NSW has taken further expert advice with respect to the protocols in place to manage the COVID-19 cluster in Queensland.

Greater Brisbane Area and Grand Chancellor Hotel – Brisbane.

These protocols must be read in conjunction with recent releases made by Racing NSW.

To read the full details please CLICK HERE

NSW Govt - Latest COVID-19 news & updates

COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (12th January 2021)

Northern Beaches

Persons who reside in the Northern Region of the Northern Beaches are now permitted to attend NSW racecourses and licensed premises without having obtained a negative COVID-19 test, subject to that person not having attended a location or travelled on transport identified by the NSW Government as being a close contact or casual contact to COVID-19 in the link below.

These protocols must be read in conjunction with recent releases made by Racing NSW.

NSW Govt - Latest COVID-19 news & updates

COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (8th January 2021)

Racing NSW has taken further expert advice and the following protocols are currently in place to manage stay-at-home orders issued by the NSW and Queensland Governments while contact tracers work to ensure the UK strain of COVID-19 is not circulating in the community.

These protocols must be read in conjunction with recent releases made by Racing NSW.

To read the full details please CLICK HERE

COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (7th January 2021)

Racing NSW has taken further expert advice and the following protocols are currently in place to manage Greater Sydney area COVID-19 clusters.

Northern Beaches
Persons residing in the Northern Region of the Northern Beaches are still not permitted to attend a racecourse or licensed premises until further notice.

Essential Personnel (including race club employees) who reside in the Southern Region of the Northern Beaches are now permitted to attend NSW racecourses and licensed premises without having obtained a negative COVID-19 test, subject to that person not having attended a location or travelled on transport identified by the NSW Government as being a close or casual contact to COVID-19 in the link below.

NSW Govt - Latest COVID-19 news & updates

To read the full details please CLICK HERE

COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (5th January 2021)

Following Racing NSW today taking expert advice the following protocols remain in place to manage Greater Sydney area COVID-19 clusters.

Northern Beaches
Persons residing in the Northern Region of the Northern Beaches are still not permitted to attend a racecourse or licensed premises until further notice.

Essential Personnel (including race club employees) who reside in the Southern Region of the Northern Beaches are now permitted to attend NSW racecourses and licensed premises without having obtained a negative COVID-19 test, subject to that person not having attended a location or travelled on transport identified by the NSW Government as being a close or casual contact to COVID-19 in the link below.

NSW Govt - Latest COVID-19 news & updates

To read the full details please CLICK HERE

COVID-19 Update For Industry Participants (30th December 2020)

Additional Positive COVID-19 Cases – Greater Sydney Area

Following the NSW Government today advising of additional COVID-19 positives in the Inner West and Wollongong region, Racing NSW has taken further expert advice in respect to upcoming race meetings.

In accordance with that advice, and in addition to the protocols below released on 23 December 2020, the race meetings scheduled to be conducted at Canterbury Park on 1 January 2021 and Randwick (Kensington Track) on 2 January 2021 will be closed to the general public.

Only Industry Essential Personnel and Officials, prebooked Members hospitality and Owners who have horses racing at these meetings will be permitted to attend.

Any person attending a race meeting must declare they do not live in the Northern Beaches or have attended a location considered to be a COVID-19 hotspot or where persons are considered to be close contacts, casual contacts or told to monitor for symptoms.

To read the full details please CLICK HERE

IMPORTANT COVID-19 UPDATE (29th December 2020)

Any person that has attended the venues or travelled on transport listed in the link below, must not attend a racecourse or licensed premises until such time as they have complied with the NSW Health Orders detailed in the link. Such attendance or travel must also be reported to Racing NSW Stewards immediately after advice has been received and persons must comply with any further directions issued by Racing NSW. Trainers must ensure their employees or service providers are aware of this requirement and report any notification to Racing NSW Stewards from their employees or service providers.


Racing NSW Updated COVID-19 Protocols – Northern Beaches (23rd December 2020)

On 21 December 2020, Racing NSW advised that persons who were residents in the Northern Beaches area at any time between Thursday, 10 December 2020 at 12.01am and Saturday, 19 December 2020 at 5.02pm and the subject of stay at home orders, were not to attend racecourses or licensed premises until 11:59pm on 23 December 2020 - or as further advised by Racing NSW.

Following the NSW Government continuing the stay at home orders for these persons (excluding travel within the Northern Beaches), Racing NSW has determined that persons subject to these continuing orders must not attend a racecourse or licensed premises until further notice.

These orders apply to persons that were at a place of residence or temporary accommodation in the Northern Beaches local government area during that time and

• are still in the Northern Beaches area, or
• left the Northern Beaches area before 5.02pm on 19 December 2020 and are now staying somewhere else.

To read the full details please CLICK HERE

COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (21st December 2020)

NSW COVID-19 Cases – Update

In response to NSW positive COVID-19 cases that have been detected following the Northern Beaches COVID-19 cluster, Racing NSW has taken the following steps to minimise the risk of COVID-19 spreading into the NSW Racing Industry. These updated protocols are to be read in conjunction with previous notices.

• In compliance with the NSW Public Health Order, any person living in the Northern Beaches of NSW must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until further notice.
• Any person who has attended the venues listed below must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until they have complied with the requirements below.
• Maintaining of jockey/official zones on raceday.
• Jockeys rooms to ensure that only one person per 4 square metres and jockeys separated by region.
• Mandatory face masks to be worn by all licensed Essential Personnel, Media and Officials at race meetings and barrier trials conducted in the Greater Sydney Area, including the Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong) and Wollongong (Kembla Grange).
• Strong recommendation that participants wear face masks when at trackwork in the Greater Sydney Area, including the Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong) and Wollongong (Kembla Grange).
• Owners prohibited from attending trackwork and licensed premises (trainers stables).

To read the full details please CLICK HERE

COVID-19 Update for Industry Participants (18th December 2020)

NSW Northern Beaches COVID-19 Cluster

A public health alert provided by the NSW Government has confirmed up to 17 positive COVID-19 cases in the Northern Beaches region of NSW.
As a result, Racing NSW has determined the following.

• Any person living in the Northern Beaches of NSW must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until 21 December 2020 (or such time as determined by Racing NSW), in accordance with the NSW Government advice below.
• Any person who has attended the venues listed below must not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until they have complied with the requirements below.

Requirement to Self-Isolate and Report to Racing NSW

Any person who has attended any of the venues below in the Northern Beaches of NSW, must report such attendance to Racing NSW, not attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises, get tested and self-isolate for a period of 14 days. Persons are not permitted to attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises until a negative COVID-19 test has been provided to Racing NSW and the self-isolation period has been completed.

To read the full details please CLICK HERE


Owners permitted to attend stables or licensed premises (16th Nov 2020)

Racing NSW has taken further advice from its biosecurity expert and with no new COVID-19 cases reported in NSW recently, will permit owners to enter trainers stables or licensed premises to visit and inspect their horses, subject to the following conditions and the consent of the trainer.

  1. Trainers must have a register that requires owners to sign in and leave contact number.
  2. Temperature checking of owners upon entry and recording of temperatures in sign in register.
  3. Requirement for owners to sanitise upon entry into the stables.
  4. Trainers to have a COVIDSafe plan and appropriate signage reminding owners entering to monitor for COVID-19 symptoms.

Racing NSW Stewards shall conduct an audit of trainers facilities and trainers found not to have complied with these conditions may be subject to penalty.

Update for Industry Participants (11 Nov 2020)

Racing NSW has taken advice from its biosecurity expert and with no new COVID-19 cases reported in Victoria for the last 12 days, the following changes to the Racing NSW COVID-19 protocols have been implemented.

Horses travelling from Victoria

Effective immediately, Racing NSW has removed restrictions in respect to horse movement across the NSW/Victorian border and horses are now permitted to travel from Victoria into NSW directly to a racecourse or licensed premises, subject to government orders and the appropriate COVID-19 permits.

Persons transporting horses from Victoria must still follow all proper bio-security measures and ensure they continue to social distance at all times.

Persons Travelling from Victoria

The NSW Government has announced that effective 12:01am on 23 November 2020, the border between NSW and Victoria will reopen. Subject to any amendments to this advice or further restrictions imposed by the NSW Government, Racing NSW will allow person to travel from Victoria to NSW racecourses or licensed premises without having to self-isolate.

The decision to permit this unrestricted travel is subject to Racing NSW imposing any additional conditions it considers appropriate on or after 23 November 2020, including for persons who have attended a known COVID-19 hotspot or venue. Participants should continue to monitor the Racing NSW website for any further updates.

Further, participants are advised that until 23 November 2020, all other restrictions that require persons to self-isolate for 14 days and undertake a negative COVID-19 test before attending a racecourse or licensed premises remain in place.

Persons Travelling from New Zealand

Subject to any restrictions imposed by the NSW Government, persons may attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises after travelling from New Zealand without the requirement to self-isolate or supply a COVID-19 test.

Maintaining of other COVID-19 Protocols

Participants are advised that all other COVID-19 protocols remain in place for the attendance at NSW racecourses and licensed premises including:

  • All racecourses to have COVIDSafe plans for race meetings, barrier trials and trackwork, including the meeting of government social distancing requirements and capacity limits. Race clubs should also ensure those attending the racecourse have not attended a known COVID-19 hotspot or venue in the last 14 days. The link to the COVID-19 Safe plan effective 7 December 2020 is
  • Any person who has attended a location and has been advised to self-isolate or to monitor symptoms by the NSW Health Department must report such occurrence to Racing NSW Stewards and abide by all requirements of the Health Department and Stewards. Trainers must immediately report any advice of this nature to Racing NSW Stewards in respect to any staff member or employee.
  • Jockey raceday protocols remain in place, including maintaining of jockey/official zones, taking of temperature upon arrival, use of spas being prohibited and the use of separate colours by jockeys.
  • Race clubs required to meet government social distancing requirements and capacity limits.
  • Any person travelling from an international jurisdiction (other than New Zealand) must contact Racing NSW Stewards before entering a NSW racecourse or licensed premises, in addition to abiding to all NSW Government orders.


Conduct of race meetings, barrier trials and trackwork

Jockey race day protocols

Race Clubs

Safe Work Australia - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advice for Employers

IMPORTANT COVID-19 UPDATES - 29 December 2020

Any person that has attended the venues or travelled on transport listed in the link below, must not attend a racecourse or licensed premises until such time as they have complied with the NSW Health Orders detailed in the link. Such attendance or travel must also be reported to Racing NSW Stewards immediately after advice has been received and persons must comply with any further directions issued by Racing NSW. Trainers must ensure their employees or service providers are aware of this requirement and report any notification to Racing NSW Stewards from their employees or service providers.

INTERSTATE & INTERNATIONAL PERSONS (including Essential Personnel and racegoers) 

  1. Travel from Interstate -Any person that resides interstate (or has left NSW to travel interstate) is permitted to attend a racecourse or licensed premises in NSW.
  2. International Persons – Persons that have or are returning from an international jurisdiction must not enter a racecourse or licensed premises in NSW unless approved in writing by Racing NSW. Racing NSW will assess each case on its merits and impose conditions it sees fit. Contact should be made with Racing NSW Stewards to discuss protocols for attending a racecourse or licensed premises. From 11 November 2020 persons travelling from New Zealand may attend a NSW racecourse or licensed premises without having to self-isolate or obtain a COVID-19 test.


Information provided by the Department of Health has advised that COVID-19 spreads from person to person most likely in the following ways:

  • close contact with an infectious person;
  • contact with droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze;
  • touching objects or surfaces (like doorknobs or tables) that have cough or sneeze droplets from an infected person, and then touching your mouth or face

All persons attending racecourses are encouraged to download and have operational the COVIDSafe app, including having their Bluetooth settings turned on whilst attending.

Any person that has approval to attend a racecourse or licensed premises must report to Racing NSW Stewards if

  • they have experienced COVID-19 symptoms and/or have had a COVID-19 test. Persons who have undertaken a COVID-19 test must self-isolate until such result is known, including not attending any racecourse or licensed premises.
  • they have attended any of the venues during the relevant periods requiring mandatory self-isolation as determined by the NSW Health Department.

The Department of Health recommends

  • Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
  • Maintain at least 1.5 metre distance between yourself and any other person who is not a member of your group.
  • Practice respiratory hygiene - Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and as soon as possible, thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and waterwash and avoid touching any surfaces until you have done so.
  • Avoiding close contact with others, such as touching
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth - Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.
  • If you have any of the following symptoms; fever (high temperature), cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical care early - Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. You should isolate yourself and immediately seek medical advice by calling Coronavirus Health Information Line 1800 020 080 or your medical practitioner.



Race Meetings, Barrier Trials and Trackwork
Attendance by persons working at racecourse

  • Persons that are engaged in work are permitted to attend race meetings, barrier trials and trackwork without restrictions.

All other attendees

  • As from 7 December 2020, the restrictions on number of attendees at racecourses were lifted significantly. As a general rule, from 7 December 2020, the restriction on numbers of attendees is that the size of the racecourse (being the areas open to racegoers) is sufficient to ensure that there is at least 2 square metres of space for each person.
  • As further detailed below, racegoers do not need to be admitted by way of tickets to assigned seats or seating areas provided that numbers are capped to ensure that there is at least 2 square metres of space for each person in the areas open to racegoers.
  • An electronic record is required to be kept of all persons attending a racecourse, which must include the person’s name, phone number or email address and the time at which the person entered the racecourse.
  • Any hospitality areas where food and drink is served is restricted to the total number of customers calculated by allowing two (2) square metres of space for each customer (excluding staff members) in that area and a COVID-19 Safety Marshal is required in respect of any hospitality area that has more than 250 persons (excluding workers).
  • Race Clubs are required to develop and comply with a COVID-19 Safety Plan, which includes provisions in respect of physical distancing such as separation of seated groups, ensuring physical distancing between  groups, preventing co-mingling of spectator groups and reducing crowding in areas where people stand (including along the railings at racecourses). The approved COVID-19 Safety Plan also provides that alcohol can only be served to patrons indoors if they are seated but otherwise does not impose such restrictions.
  • Race Clubs and racegoers continue to abide by existing COVID-19 Protocols including social distancing of 1.5 metres, sufficient space for one person per 2 square metres, good hygiene practices at all times and unwell persons not to be permitted access to racecourses.


  • All other restrictions remain in place, including segregation of jockeys and other on course personnel. Temperature checking of jockeys entering the racecourse for race meetings to continue.

Jockey race day protocols (Effective 16 March 2020) – Still Current

  1. If you are experiencing any of the COVID-19 symptoms described above, do not attend the racecourse and contact your local Stewards. Immediately seek medical advice by calling Coronavirus Health Information Line 1800 020 080 or your medical practitioner
  2. If you are feeling well, upon arrival on course you must not enter the jockey’s room until your temperature has been checked (where equipment is available) and verified within normal parameters.
  3. A jockey experiencing an elevated temperature will be given the opportunity to have a further temperature assessment 15 minutes following the first assessment.
  4. Should the rider’s temperature remain elevated he or she will not be permitted to enter the jockey’s room and shall be required to leave the racecourse. A medical clearance to the satisfaction of Racing NSW will be required before riding again.
  5. Once in the jockeys’ room, wherever possible, jockeys will be required to segregate a minimum of at least 1.5 metres apart. Jockeys’ rooms shall be divided into multiple rooms at the direction of the Stewards.
  6. Whenever possible, between races jockeys should use hand sanitizers provided by the club. All gear should be cleaned/disinfected between races.
  7. Direct contact between other jockeys and persons should be avoided at all costs and maintain social distancing (1.5 metres apart) from all persons.
  8. Should you feel unwell or experience any of the symptoms of COVID-19 throughout the day, ensure you advise the Stewards who will obtain medical assistance.
  9. The use of spas on all racecourses is prohibited until further notice.

Jockey colours
Trainers or owners are required to provide separate colours for each individual jockey. If this cannot be accommodated a separate set of colours or the club colours must be nominated to be used.

Access points to the racecourse are to be appropriately staffed in order to ensure that attendance complies with the relevant number restriction and that mandatory electronic records are obtained from all persons attending racecourses.

Access will not be permitted to any person that:

  • Is suffering from coronavirus symptoms or is otherwise unwell including but not limited to an elevated temperature;
  • Is subject to self-isolation requirements imposed by the Government;
  • Has been in close contact with a person suspected or confirmed to have coronavirus.

Further, if any person is in a high-risk group such as older people or people with underlying illnesses that make them more vulnerable to respiratory disease, including those with diabetes, chronic lung disease, kidney failure and people with suppressed immune systems, that person should not attend race meetings, barrier trials and trackwork (including accessing licensed training stables).

Enhanced hygiene measures

Sufficient cleaning staff are to be engaged to provide ongoing and continual disinfection of common surfaces used during the conduct of the race meeting. This is to include at a minimum twice daily periodic disinfection of all common surfaces including but not limited to door handles, handrails, lift call buttons, internal lift buttons and escalator handrails, light switches, fridges, microwaves, cabinets, tap handles, phones and keyboards etc.

Hand sanitizer stations to be installed in all areas used by racecourse attendees and cleaning staff are to continually monitor hand sanitizer stations, soap & hand drying for replenishment.

If you experience any of the symptoms detailed above, do not attend your workplace and make arrangements for a senior member of your staff to be in charge of your stable. You should isolate yourself and immediately seek medical advice by calling Coronavirus Health Information Line 1800 020 080 or your medical practitioner. Trainers must report any symptom experienced by an employee or themselves to their local Racing NSW Stewards. Stables that have an employee that has experiencing COVID-19 symptoms must ensure that all staff members continue to practice good hygiene and immediately report to their supervisor should they commence to display any COVID-19 symptoms. Under no circumstances should any participant experiencing COVID-19 symptoms attend any race meeting, barrier trial or public gathering.

Racing NSW Stewards are conducting random temperature assessments on race day, at barrier trials and at trackwork. Persons found to have an elevated temperature will be given the opportunity to have a further temperature assessment 15 minutes following the first assessment. Should the person’s temperature remain elevated, he or she will be required to leave the racecourse or licensed premises.  A medical clearance to the satisfaction of Racing NSW will be required before returning to work or to a racecourse or licensed premises.

Trainers must report to Racing NSW Stewards if any staff member has;

  • experienced COVID-19 symptoms and/or have had a COVID-19 test due to displaying COVID-19 symptoms. Persons who have undertaken a COVID-19 test must self-isolate until such result is known, including not attending any racecourse or licensed premises.
  • attended any of the venues during the relevant periods requiring mandatory self-isolation as determined by the NSW Health Department.


Role of Race Clubs
Racing NSW seeks the assistance of all race clubs in working with their local Stewards to implement the procedures outlined above.

Race clubs are requested to complete the following tasks in preparation for each meeting:

General Requirements

  • Race Clubs must develop and comply with a COVID-19 safety plan that addresses the matters required by the COVID-19 safety checklist for racecourses (updated
  • Race Club staff are to be provided with information and training on COVID-19, including when to get tested, physical distancing and cleaning. Race Club must engage sufficient staff to ensure compliance with COVID-19 Safety Plans and Racing NSW Protocols.
  • Race Clubs must have dedicated staff members or security personnel at access points to ensure compliance with number limitations and electronic recording of names, contact details (phone number/email address) and the time at which they entered the racecourse of all persons attending a racecourse. These reports must be kept until further notice.
  • Have a thermometer approved by the Stewards available to assist Stewards in taking temperatures of jockeys when they arrive and during the day.
  • In enclosed spaces each person (including jockeys’ rooms) must be provided with 2 square metres of space.
  • Employ dedicated personnel to provide ongoing and continual disinfection of common surfaces and touch points during the conduct of the race meeting.
  • Supply hand sanitising stations in all areas used by persons attending racecourse and regularly check to ensure sufficient supply.
  • Install signage in all areas detailing hygiene measures.

Site Visit

  • Where possible, Stewards should conduct a site visit with the relevant Club Official/s to ensure the necessary infrastructure is available to facilitate the implementation of the required bio-security protocols.

Medical Staff

  • Where a race club engages the services of a doctor, paramedic (excluding ambulance officers) or nurse such medical staff are not to be working in general practice or in a hospital whereby COVID-19 is present. When in doubt, the Race Club must contact the local Stewards to ascertain the suitability of the medical professional to attend.

Barrier Management and Starting Procedures

  • All Barrier Attendants are to wear gloves and a face mask.
  • Two Barrier Attendants wearing gloves and a face mask should be assigned to leg up riders.
  • Clerk of the Course Officials are to wear face masks when leading a horse.

Separation of Jockeys and Trainers

  • Trainers and Jockeys must be segregated.
  • Trainers are not permitted to enter the mounting enclosure unless they are strapping the horse.
  • An area must be designated in which instructions can be given to Jockeys by Trainers. This area must contain a physical boundary (i.e. fencing with planter boxes) that ensures social distancing requirements are adhered to.
  • Numbers should be placed on either side of the fence at least 1.5 metres apart to ensure both the Trainers and Jockeys adhere to social distancing requirements.
  • Where possible Trainers should provide instructions to their riders via phone or other means prior to the meeting.


  • Jockeys must have their temperature taken prior to entering the jockey’s area with the previously advised requirements adhered to in the case of a jockey having an elevated temperature.
  • Jockeys are to be segregated into rooms ensuring that the 1 person for every 2 square metres requirement is adhered to.
  • Have dedicated staff members to secure jockeys’ rooms at the direction of the Stewards;
  • Have dedicated jockeys room staff to clean jockeys’ rooms throughout the day, including amenities. Ensuring any meals areas remain hygienic and touch points regularly cleansed;
  • Provide sanitisers and disinfectant for jockeys to improve hygiene;
  • Provide signage in jockeys rooms to remind jockeys of personal hygiene;
  • Close spas (where applicable);

Race Day Equipment

  • Clubs that do not have separate sets of strappers bibs to use for each race, Racing NSW directs the discontinuation of their use until further notice. Clubs are not to recycle the use of strappers bibs throughout the day.
  • Where possible saddle clothes should only be used once per meeting.

Race Club Facilities

  • As detailed above, the restrictions on number of attendees at racecourses were lifted significantly. As a general rule, from 7 December 2020, the restriction on numbers of attendees is that the size of the racecourse (being the areas open to racegoers) is sufficient to ensure that there is at least 2 square metres of space for each person.
  • Racegoers do not need to be admitted by way of tickets to assigned seats or seating areas provided that numbers are capped to ensure that there is at least 2 square metres of space for each person in the areas open to racegoers.
  • An electronic record is required to be kept of all persons attending a racecourse, which must include the person’s name, phone number or email address and the time at which the person entered the racecourse.
  • Any hospitality areas where food and drink is served is restricted to the total number of customers calculated by allowing two (2) square metres of space for each customer (excluding staff members) in that area and a COVID-19 Safety Marshal is required in respect of any hospitality area that has more than 250 persons (excluding workers).
  • Race Clubs are required to develop and comply with a COVID-19 Safety Plan, which includes provisions in respect of physical distancing such as separation of seated groups, ensuring physical distancing between groups, preventing co-mingling of spectator groups and reducing crowding in areas where people stand (including along the railings at racecourses). The approved COVID-19 Safety Plan also provides that alcohol can only be served to patrons indoors if they are seated but otherwise does not impose such restrictions.
  • Race Clubs and racegoers continue to abide by existing COVID-19 Protocols including social distancing of 1.5 metres, sufficient space for one person per 2 square metres, good hygiene practices at all times and unwell persons not to be permitted access to racecourses.



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